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Reality time


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Renewals - what a dirty word sometimes!

I've had a whole heap come up recently, and I think to myself "why did I ever register those names?".

And you have to exercise a lot of discipline as well, because some names still try and sneak through your defences! You think a domain is half good and maybe if you put some effort into it it could earn back its reg fee etc etc ....... :eek:

But reality prevailed this morning, and I just saved myself over $140. I feel good right now - hope it lasts!


Top Contributor
You do know i was kidding with the comment?

Im just counting the dollars....im actually sitting down planning a site as i type this :)


Top Contributor
If you are not making profit on the domains they are probably not worth keeping unless you have some personal reason for the domain.

I have let about 6 domains (non .com.au) drop this week too, I agree 100% some times I was like WTF was I thinking at the time, probably saw an affiliate reason or something...


Top Contributor
Sadly im in the process of letting about 15 go. Mainly because i thought that they were good value but after being in here and learning a few things, i see how far off track i was.

I learn something new each day in here :)


Top Contributor
You do know i was kidding with the comment?

Im just counting the dollars....im actually sitting down planning a site as i type this :)

I did! That's why I gave you a smiley face.

Did I mention the "profit share" aspect of the sale? ;):D


Top Contributor
Renewals - what a dirty word sometimes! I've had a whole heap come up recently, and I think to myself "why did I ever register those names?".
Same thought goes through my mind all the time - makes me think I should stop buying/developing and just bite the bullet and become a domain registrar.


It's like the old gold rush days - the guys who often made the most money on the gold fields were the businesses selling shovels and pans rather than the ones mining for gold.

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