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notified by auDA


Regular Member
I received a complaint from auDA via my registra regarding some of my .au domains.

Does auDA carry out their own investigations (independently assess domains), or take action only if a complaint is made?



Regular Member
I know Im in breach of some policy should I manual delete from my account or let it go into pending delete.

I still dont know if its an anonymous complaint lodged.


Top Contributor
In your previous threads, you had that Sydney+keyword domain dispute going on. Reckon they have kicked up a stink with AuDA and done the dirty on you?

Or have you registered some policy delete domains?


Regular Member
These domains were registered under a different entity .

The Sydney+keyword domain issue is now solved.

Should I manual delete from my account or let it go into pending delete.
Depending on the complaint auDA may look into other domains held by the same registrant and ask for eligibility if they can't determine it any other way.

I agree with Mick, it is complaints based, however, once a complaint is investigated, auDA often examines the registrant's eligibility to hold other domains in its portfolio. Moral of the story make sure you are eligible to hold domains and avoid questionable domains such as TM infringing ones.

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