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Monitoring domains with your keywords?


Top Contributor
Is there a service that will notify you of domains, containing your keyword(s), are becoming available onto the market?
For example if you're interested in tennis, the service would notify you of any domains that become available containing the word 'tennis'?


Top Contributor
Thanks Bacon Farmer, that what I was looking for. :)
Spacey: I was hoping for ones that do .com as well.


Top Contributor
You can monitor keywords at namejet which gibes you a list of pending delete names although many end up being renewed.


Top Contributor
Thanks segator

I've just signed up with pool.com.

The service seems good, but I'm a little annoyed that they'll only give you access to the service once you've fully signed up for an account, which includes credit card details. IN fact once you've logged in, they won't let you go to any of the other pages on the site, every page points back to the preferences page, and won't let you past until you've provided ALL the information.

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
IPNeighborhood (paid service) enables you to search across expiring com, net, org etc. as well as Aftermarkets like NameJet, Flippa, Netfleet and inventory from other markets like Fabulous. We did have email alerts for these markets, but removed that feature about a year ago (people were abusing it).

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