Domain name offered For Sale
Domain name offered For Sale
A great opportunity to acquire a domain name representative of the small business sector.
The Domain Name registration is current until 1 August 2012 and is registered with NetRegistry.com.au
The Business Name (BN97747666) is current until 17 July 2012 and is registered with Fair Trading NSW.
microbiz is
- a recognised and generic name
- defines its business sector
- offered with current Business Name
microbiz.com.au is being offered through NetFleet.com.au (associated with NetRegistry) and is open to offers.
Note: it is the domain name only that is being offered for sale.
the purchaser pays the transfer fees.
To make an offer, go to -
For information on how this process works, go to -
also http://www.netfleet.com.au/rules-and-regulations
Any questions, private message me.