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Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year


Hi Everyone, apologies I thought I had posted my introduction but it seems I must have followed a link and posted it in a private message. Nevertheless Merry Xmas to you all, hope it was relaxing and Father Xmas gave you all lots of nice presents, lol.

I have been working as a freelance web designer for nearly 4 years now and have learnt many many lessons the hard way. I live remote in beautiful Broome in the Kimberley and absolutely love my work. Sometimes I think its the only thing that keeps me sane, lol whilst at the same time, drives me insane!

My knowledge of domain names is very limited so I am not sure whether I will be able to give back to this forum any help/knowledge that it seems you all have but hopefully there will be something.


Hi wotnow - it's great to have you here on DNT. :)

I've had a look at your website, and you are one very talented person. You've certainly got a lot of projects under your belt.


Now that you have three posts to your name, you are welcome to post signature links etc.

I'm sure you'll learn things from here, just as we will get insights from you.

Best wishes, Ned


Aww thanks so much for your kind words. I have agonised quite a bit over my website in that it does not "fit" with all I have read in that it doesn't have a consistent look.

My feelings were that as a web designer every page should look different so that clients can get a feel for how they want their site to look but I have had some criticism for it, so its lovely to get some nice feedback. Thanks very much!

I have found your forum very interesting!


Top Contributor
Welcome to the community. Talk about remote.....it doesnt get much more remote than up there. :)

Stick around, pull up a chair and tell us about business up in your part of the world. I would think that clients are few and far between, arent they?


Thanks to you all! Broome is not such a small place anymore, the population is over 16,000. I have lived here for over 20 years and love it but on days like today (tis stinking hot) I wish the rains would come!
I seem to have a steady flow of work, through word of mouth, and our local directory and also not so many web designers in Broome. It was hard going at first, with many businesses going through more well known web designers but in the last 12 months business has improved and my portfolio has grown which generates trust with new clients.

I love my work, the variety of businesses I get to know, and the lovely clients with it and also I love the fact that I can be anywhere in the world and still work, though I try not to do that, lol. I love the challenges that the job brings with constant learning of new technologies, it sometimes seems the more I know, the more I realise I dont know as with all your domain knowledge.

I am a bit obsessed with photography and love trying to capture the amazing landscapes that surround me. When I get some spare time, I am working on a blog to showcase broome and the kimberley, which should keep me busy for a few years lol.

Anyway thats enough about me. I look forward to browsing through this great forum!
A very Happy New Year to you all!



Top Contributor
Nice Post and I hope Christmas was a good one for all. I can't wait to see some of the pictures of Broome and the Kimberley.

I've thought about going there, we spent alot of time travelling in the US to places that were somewhat remote and thought about parts of Australia we've not yet seen.

Yes, trust is something that can often only be gotten over time. This is a great forum, you'll enjoy it here, even though I confess it has been 11 days since I popped my eyes over the forums here as I was so busy leading up to Christmas, last thing I wanted to do was look at a screen... And this is great post to read.



I know what you mean about Xmas, I feel like a bit of a grinch but my sentiments were Thank god its over!

I love your Sydney forum, Snooks .. what a great way to present all that information. Animal Insurance, Spacey .. now there is something I have been meaning to find out about after having to fork out over $3,000 to bring my dog back to life after it was savaged by a pitbull.
Nina .. xd.com is beautiful, were these shots taken when you were in the US?
Are you all web designers?

If you would like to see some photos of Broome and the Kimberley, you can check out my blog .. a work in progress .. there are a few photo galleries

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