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Melbourne Xmas Party


Top Contributor
i just looked at the stats on this thread, 44 posts 912 views, now i can tell you they aren't all mine as i have been very busy SO whos looking and not contributing?

come on, have a voice, i'd like to see some posts that say "where ever it is i'm coming"

its going to be in the CBD.


Top Contributor
Im hoping to get to a meetup sooner or later, i hate not being involved and also missing the great opportunities to just chat and learn.........

December is a total wipe out for me and i end up doing pretty close to 14hr days 6 days per week:(

Hopefully someone will drink a beer or two for me. :)


Top Contributor
bull & bear WINS

hi, i was in the cbd yesterday and i went to a few places suggested and under the criteria members have suggested ONLY the bull and bear meets them ( as i don't have time to go find moreeeee potential places)

i revisited BnB yesterday and you will all be happy to know a pint doesn't cost $15, they actually do have a range of tap beers
carlton, cider, grolsch, fat yak and cascade premium light, + bottled stuff, they also have mineral water, tomato juice, orange juice, coke etcccc

I have BOOKED it now for thursday 29th Nov with a 5pm start, although i'll be there early and if anyone wants to meet up for a chat just PM me.

Coopers Mills have said they will throw in some dough and Chris told me yesterday DNT will as well.

What happens now? well we need some firm commitments on who is coming so we can plan space and catering.

so please post and i will be a great event.




Top Contributor
May I suggest a new thread for this prestigious announcement on the Melb. Domainers Xmas Piss Up.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
hi, i was in the cbd yesterday and i went to a few places suggested and under the criteria members have suggested ONLY the bull and bear meets them ( as i don't have time to go find moreeeee potential places)

i revisited BnB yesterday and you will all be happy to know a pint doesn't cost $15, they actually do have a range of tap beers
carlton, cider, grolsch, fat yak and cascade premium light, + bottled stuff, they also have mineral water, tomato juice, orange juice, coke etcccc

I have BOOKED it now for thursday 29th Nov with a 5pm start, although i'll be there early and if anyone wants to meet up for a chat just PM me.

Coopers Mills have said they will throw in some dough and Chris told me yesterday DNT will as well.

What happens now? well we need some firm commitments on who is coming so we can plan space and catering.

so please post and i will be a great event.


Well done ........all

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