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mealdeal.com.au - For sale on Flippa


Top Contributor
Four days remaining, five bidders and a current bid of $270.

And an inside tip for DNT members... the reserve is $1,000.

This is a great opportunity for the right person to build something really cool, and the current CTR and CPC are the best of all my websites running adsense. Once you build the traffic up, this could be a great earner.

If the site doesn't sell I'm going to put a job on elance for someone to trawl through all of the pub and restaurant websites to fill the site up with more deals. Then I'll get some SEO work done and the site should start bringing in some decent money.

To be honest though, I'd rather just get some money in my pocket now so I can concentrate on my main business. So get bidding! :)


Shane - looking good on Flippa!

$4000 so far.

You are a wizard at getting good prices there - you should start a consulting business for others. Seriously.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Thanks David and Ned. Hoping for a few more dollars, but $4k will certainly be acceptable.

I don't really know why I get good prices on there Ned, but I think it's because a lot of the sites on Flippa look like they've been built for the sole purpose of selling. Mine on the other hand have been built out of an interest in the subject.

All three of my sales have been for well established sites that are genuinely unique, and the earnings multiples show that people definitely aren't buying them for the current revenue!

I also do a fair bit of marketing in terms of letting people know who I think could be interested.

A few more bids would be nice, as I have a buck's weekend... I mean wedding to pay for! ;)

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