OMG, political spin spin spin, those of you on the domains name policy i think you should just make sure you stay in the best hotels and eat at the best restuarants whilst you have you meetings as NOTHING any one says or presents or submits will mean SH*T when it comes to the decision.
and also everyone please not let what i have been saying this for ages, that PDF is a peace of work !!!! page 5 graphs are just laughable ! , ohhhhhhhhhhh is auda in the business of administrating domain names or is it in BUSINESS ? surely there is a conflict of interest here where they pretend that the rate of domain take ups NEED for there to be a change ! BS, how dare they say we need the OTHER dubbodentist a second chance ?
the recent interview will "red" and now this pdf are just warnings to say " we do not care what you think we are just going to do it as we think we need to put more money into our super funds before we retire and leave you with the mess " AKA john howard, kevin rudd, and no abbott
i REALLY HONESTLY feel sorry for my clients that got in early and now will be penalised and some massively if some domains go to auction because someone went an purchased a $1 ( what an F'n scam that promo was and don't tell me it wasn't to do with what is happening now )
i know you are sick of hearing this from me so i've decided to create my own blog, i'm hoping for maybe 2-3 visits a month LOL, no comments allowed, no forum, just a bloody rant as always and that will save you all time listening to me AS most of you all just read and not post and HIDE ! sorry but i am now sick of it, i'm disappionted.
good luck with your portfolios when your costs triple or the value hits the floor.