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Looks like I`m late in my own backyard :)


Its not bad down here mate, a bit late to the party? How about you tell us a little about what you do, what you have done, any big projects you have going on at the moment?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
seems you took up my advice at namepros , if you want to start an A.D.A this is the place

what does he do ? .... just ask him if he likes LLLL's


Top Contributor
Its not bad down here mate, a bit late to the party? How about you tell us a little about what you do, what you have done, any big projects you have going on at the moment?

Hi, yep a bit late to the party sorry.
I am trying to be a full time domainer once again.
It is has been a bumpy 2009 and hopefully 2010 will be better.
Can`t disclose projects yet sorry. Big, yes they are big.


Top Contributor
seems you took up my advice at namepros , if you want to start an A.D.A this is the place

what does he do ? .... just ask him if he likes LLLL's

:D not only LLLL.com , anything shorter than those ones will eventually turn me ON :eek: :D

There not seems to be a great enthusiasm in doing something such as my idea unfortunately so maybe times are not right yet.

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