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Looking for Thoughts on 10 .AU domains - mixed lot!


Top Contributor
Hi All, here are 10 domains I have picked up over the last 24 months, looking for thoughts on them and too see which ones are worth any thing at all, worth developing ect? Please provide some insight if possible would be greatly appreciated:

1. http://wineonlineaustralia.com.au
2. http://supplement.net.au
3. http://solarhotwatersystem.net.au
4. http://socialnetworkingsites.com.au
5. http://mobileplans.net.au
6. http://lasertattooremoval.net.au
7. http://debtconsolidationaustralia.net.au
8. http://aboriginaldotpaintings.com.au
9. http://bikeinsuranceaustralia.com.au
10. http://comparepetinsurance.net.au

Search Traffic Australia Exact -

1. [wine online australia] 480
2. [supplement] 1000
3. [solar hot water system] 590
4. [social networking sites] 2400
5. [mobile plans] 1300
6. [laser tattoo removal] 880
7. [debt consolidation australia] 320
8. [aboriginal dot paintings] 390
9. [bike insurance australia] 170
10. [compare pet insurance] 590

thanks all =)
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Top Contributor
Hi James,
Without looking at longtail possibilities, I would say no value. Even at #1 position these domains don't have enough search volume, remember Google allows 3 spots above the fold, they will take 80% of the search term traffic.

Google has been trialing 4 sponsored listings in UK which will make it even worse for the natural listings if it comes to Australia.

Making it hard for low volume search terms to make ROI.



Top Contributor
Yeah 5 of these I want to get rid of 5 I want to keep. I think .net.au is a bit of a gamble but I have seen it pay off with some other names. I also agree with the comments about paid taking up all the real-estate, it's a real joke.

Thanks for the honest feedback but, I know these are Not the best names :)


Top Contributor
Hi James,
We have all registered domains that after looking at afterwards, think what was I thinking.

I reckon, I've let drop and wasted $20k on domains over the years, although I've made more than that on others.

My main focus is on search volume now, very picky and wiser as well.



Top Contributor
Hi James,
We have all registered domains that after looking at afterwards, think what was I thinking.

I reckon, I've let drop and wasted $20k on domains over the years, although I've made more than that on others.

My main focus is on search volume now, very picky and wiser as well.


Yeah I know all too well, I have registered some junk which has sold for 10,000 in the past just because it has been developed into working sites by mistake.

The domains int he original post are not that crash hot but imo I think some .net.au are worth the risk, people are quick to shut them down.

Recent pick ups such as:


First two have made ROI in 1 month, so the rest is profit - time spent, imo worth the reg.

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