Looking at it another way, somewhere there is an assertion by auDA of the number of AU direct registrations to date. I cannot find that figure right now, but they have presented it proudly. I wonder how many of those names are sitting on resale sites. Or just being stored away, protectively, or just in case. What percentage are really active? I'm guessing without evidence 10 to 20%. Anyone have more access to actual numbers or even clues?
Also we are not really only looking at companies. Most companies are better off in the .com.au space. auDA states: AU direct is 'open to anyone with a verified connection to Australia who wants to create or manage an online presence for themselves or their organisation.' I think we all know that here. The implication is we are expanding the ground. Maybe it is the .com organisations who will eventually catch on? Maybe suburban traders associations, maybe artist collectives, the imagining is unlimited.
If auDA does not have that 'Active Use' dataset... they should have. IMHO. I imagine a customised webscraping program written in Python, could step through a list of registered AU Directs, call the domain up, and return Found or Not Found.
I did ask ChatGPT how it could be done... it gave possibilities.... but I really think it is a job for auDA. If only because only they could provide the dataset of registered names. (Is that so?)
I can link here to ChatGPT's advice if there is interest. And is it good for us domain traders to have the percentage known? Could be if the active percentage grows each year.
Meanwhile we begin with MelbourneIT.

Of course... they want to sell more AU directs...

But they model a possible future.