Hi Everyone.
Firstly, thank you if you read this email and shoot some suggestions and responses.
As this might turn to be a big post, my final question will be: is it worth going into Federal Court or auDA Proceedings for a domain name and Who pays the legal fees in case I loose.?
The story goes. I’ve been a Sole Trader Web Developer for few years, and have started doing SEO about a year and a half, which lead to buying domain names from auDA’s drop list that I have a hunch might have a good Page Rank, or have good Search Volume.
Now, some time ago I purchased a domain name that I checked and had many backlinks, so I assumed it will have a great value, and it did (Has Page Rank 5), let’s call the domain name DomainName.com.au
Now, this domain name, as I discovered later on had belong to a Massive Corporation before it went on the drop list, which I'm not sure why they allowed it to drop anyways.
I can't say the domain name as I got a letter Private and Confidential for breaching tones of things, so don't want to get in more trouble than I might be
Now, this is a massive brand and from DomainName.com.au they hold a trademark on the Domain Part, but I don't think they have it on the Full Phrase.
At the moment, there is only a Website Under Maintenance Page, and my intention is to Sell Online a product that is connected with the name in a way as the second word Name and another word (subcategory) of the second word after.
And thus being a page rank 5 domain name, will definitely help me grow faster as an online shop.
The product is in no way related to the actual service/business of the original company that wants it back.
I already sell the product on a different website (mine again), but because of the closeness of the name and the potential of the product (hand made) it has a great potential to sell here.
So, there is no content on the website that says in any way that I'm related, affiliated or anything of such with the original company,m It's a Under Maintenance page with timer, and a subscribe for re-launch form.
Now, I'm being charged of the following:
1. Passing Off Trade Mark Infringement - The trademark is on the first part of the domain, not the full name
2. Misleading and deceptive content - The domain name implies that you have a connection to the company etc. But, content NOW is under maintenance, and once I'm done with the website (if I decide to do it) it will have no connection again with the company), although the domain name might imply that. However there are tones of wesites "domain*.com.au" available on the internet, and they don't seem to be infringing their trademark.
3. Bad Faith - The domain not connected to my business (there is nothing on the website yet) so how can they judge it is not connected to my business? and it's bought for the purpose of selling the domain name - (I've explained the reasons above, Page Rank, give my product a boost) great value with the name.
4. Breach of registrant Agreement - "Registering the domain name without any connection to the name " - This is true, as I'm registering the domain as Sole Trader through my Website Development ABN (Names have no connection), but I have another 100+ domains registered like this for my clients and for my self, and there are probably more than 50% of the domains on the internet registered like this.
5. Breach of auDA Dispute Resolution Policy - This is I suppose questionable, as I've not put anything to infringe them or bad mouth or similar. It is a similarity of domain name with trademark.
Second Part
Now, I've been given 5 days (2 of them business days) to surrender the domain name (which seems rather unfair, as I can't even get a legal advise on this in that short - I'm just a web developer, don't have 200 lawyers rounded with me to be able to get advice - so I'm trying to get a free advice on what I should do).,
What scares me the most
In the letter it says that if I don't surrender the domain name (which I don't really want to - Page Rank 5
), they will commence Federal Court or auDA Proceedings and it is inevitable that they will be successful and I'll be ultimately liable for Their & Mine Legal FEES
Now, them being a huge company, me being a person that makes for rent and living, you can see why I am a bit scared of this, they can probably hire someone that costs $1000 of dollars an hour, and if they win, which is the worst case scenario for me, what happens ???? I'll be gone broke in 2 minutes of those fees.
Can you guys advise this - in case I go at court or auDA proceedings, and loose the case? Do I pay for their legal fees and if so any ideas what they might be.
Is it worth doing this?
Again, thanks for reading this, any feedback on this will be much, much appreciated
Firstly, thank you if you read this email and shoot some suggestions and responses.
As this might turn to be a big post, my final question will be: is it worth going into Federal Court or auDA Proceedings for a domain name and Who pays the legal fees in case I loose.?
The story goes. I’ve been a Sole Trader Web Developer for few years, and have started doing SEO about a year and a half, which lead to buying domain names from auDA’s drop list that I have a hunch might have a good Page Rank, or have good Search Volume.
Now, some time ago I purchased a domain name that I checked and had many backlinks, so I assumed it will have a great value, and it did (Has Page Rank 5), let’s call the domain name DomainName.com.au
Now, this domain name, as I discovered later on had belong to a Massive Corporation before it went on the drop list, which I'm not sure why they allowed it to drop anyways.
I can't say the domain name as I got a letter Private and Confidential for breaching tones of things, so don't want to get in more trouble than I might be
Now, this is a massive brand and from DomainName.com.au they hold a trademark on the Domain Part, but I don't think they have it on the Full Phrase.
At the moment, there is only a Website Under Maintenance Page, and my intention is to Sell Online a product that is connected with the name in a way as the second word Name and another word (subcategory) of the second word after.
And thus being a page rank 5 domain name, will definitely help me grow faster as an online shop.
The product is in no way related to the actual service/business of the original company that wants it back.
I already sell the product on a different website (mine again), but because of the closeness of the name and the potential of the product (hand made) it has a great potential to sell here.
So, there is no content on the website that says in any way that I'm related, affiliated or anything of such with the original company,m It's a Under Maintenance page with timer, and a subscribe for re-launch form.
Now, I'm being charged of the following:
1. Passing Off Trade Mark Infringement - The trademark is on the first part of the domain, not the full name
2. Misleading and deceptive content - The domain name implies that you have a connection to the company etc. But, content NOW is under maintenance, and once I'm done with the website (if I decide to do it) it will have no connection again with the company), although the domain name might imply that. However there are tones of wesites "domain*.com.au" available on the internet, and they don't seem to be infringing their trademark.
3. Bad Faith - The domain not connected to my business (there is nothing on the website yet) so how can they judge it is not connected to my business? and it's bought for the purpose of selling the domain name - (I've explained the reasons above, Page Rank, give my product a boost) great value with the name.
4. Breach of registrant Agreement - "Registering the domain name without any connection to the name " - This is true, as I'm registering the domain as Sole Trader through my Website Development ABN (Names have no connection), but I have another 100+ domains registered like this for my clients and for my self, and there are probably more than 50% of the domains on the internet registered like this.
5. Breach of auDA Dispute Resolution Policy - This is I suppose questionable, as I've not put anything to infringe them or bad mouth or similar. It is a similarity of domain name with trademark.
Second Part
Now, I've been given 5 days (2 of them business days) to surrender the domain name (which seems rather unfair, as I can't even get a legal advise on this in that short - I'm just a web developer, don't have 200 lawyers rounded with me to be able to get advice - so I'm trying to get a free advice on what I should do).,
What scares me the most
In the letter it says that if I don't surrender the domain name (which I don't really want to - Page Rank 5
Now, them being a huge company, me being a person that makes for rent and living, you can see why I am a bit scared of this, they can probably hire someone that costs $1000 of dollars an hour, and if they win, which is the worst case scenario for me, what happens ???? I'll be gone broke in 2 minutes of those fees.
Can you guys advise this - in case I go at court or auDA proceedings, and loose the case? Do I pay for their legal fees and if so any ideas what they might be.
Is it worth doing this?
Again, thanks for reading this, any feedback on this will be much, much appreciated