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Introduction to Ethereum - Workshop


Top Contributor
I know there are a few members interested in blockchain tech so thought you might be keen on this:


Tuesday, June 6, 2017
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Blockchain Centre (Level 1, 89 - 91 City Road, Southbank)

Ethereum Introduction Workshop

Come on down to the Blockchain Centre for an hour to receive a broad overview of what Ethereum is, and why you should care.

I'm Tom, currently working with http://wetrust.io to build an Ethereum application with the aim of becoming the standard for community financial services on the blockchain. I've also recently built http://www.paywithether.com to allow you to take Ether payments on WooCommerce.

Ethereum has been cracking onwards for a few years now, and recently has been making headlines with things like the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, and the recent 4x price surge of it's base token, Ether. If you feel like you're not quite sure why any of this is happening or what it all means, this is the talk for you.

We'll go for about an hour. The provisional format is:

• 20 minute general guide to what Ethereum is

• 10 minute Q&A

• 20 minute demonstration about what Ethereum can be used for

• 10 minute Q&A

The demo isn't going to be interactive, so don't worry about bringing laptops or anything like that.

I'll try to keep things at a fairly high level, so we won't be delving into many crypto-concepts. No technical background or knowledge necessary.

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