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Regular Member
Looks that way.

Koomel is now officially one 1 of 2 people to ever to make it onto my DNTrade ignore list...

Shags was the other, when he first joined, but I have since removed him because he came around eventually.


I tried my best to offer some helpful advice (maybe it could have been delivered better) but either way I can't afford to be frustrated and distracted by these sorts of discussions anymore and the only way to prevent it is to ignore it all together.

I think it is healthy for people to have different opinions, I hope you don't take your ball home with you.

Domaining to me is a lot different to most of you guys, I don't need to make a living from it. To me it is a bit like having a punt and as another on this forum has said previously, go with your gut feeling.
While we may disagree at this stage, I may, like Shags realise that my thinking is flawed. That is ok by me, and the consequences are mine alone. You have been part of a healthy discussion, that is important and I hope others do not rule out lateral thinking however it may be perceived by others.
This is a forum not a boot camp.

Good luck to you and other members with a similar interest.


Top Contributor
How much of a discount do you associate with the au added, 50%, 90%.At a 90% discount you end up with an equivalent valuation of a domain with comparable figues of 4950 Exacts @ $6.54, not to be sneezed at.

Here is how you calculate the difference between the reguar keyword domain and the au domain,

Take the value of the non au call it $X,
The value of the "au" keyword domain is $Y

$Y (au added domain) = ($X /2 +500) X ($2X+$3X-$5X)


Regular Member
Here is how you calculate the difference between the reguar keyword domain and the au domain,

Take the value of the non au call it $X,
The value of the "au" keyword domain is $Y

$Y (au added domain) = ($X /2 +500) X ($2X+$3X-$5X)

Is it a coincedence that the answer is the same as your value to this forum!!!


Top Contributor
Is it a coincedence that the answer is the same as your value to this forum!!!

i think snoopys equation is the best i have ever seen ! :)

i think you should rescind your statement about snoopys value, yes he can be harsh but he has knowledge and probably not much sleep at the moment :D, we all have our good points and bad points ( myself included) but this thread is dragging on for no reason i feel, now your statement has just made the thread worthless to continue in my view.

here's some light reading for you, you should actually find some good ideas amongst it.


koomel, we are on page 7 now !!! move on, think of a new topic as you'll get more cred that way IMHO.

here's you next post already typed for you:

"thanks guys, i've taken everything onboard and moving on with what i am doing, looking forward to having more conversations with you in the future"

i'm definately out of this thread now, the only reason i posted was the blatant remark about snoopy.

tim, over and OUT


Regular Member
"thanks guys, i've taken everything onboard and moving on with what i am doing, looking forward to having more conversations with you in the future"
I agree, however when people start taking the piss, they should expect a little in return.
Sorry Snoopy, I rescind my comment.


Top Contributor
Only today i heard aan ad on the radio, 2CH (Sydney).

I cant for the life of me recall the product name but it was "something" Hyphen "AU" .com.au

It just didnt sound right at all and caught my attention instantly.

I will be listening today and hopefully hear it again so i know what the ad was for.


Top Contributor
Well i heard the ad, it isnt a .com.au its simply a .com The site isnt quite what i expected http://www.itravel-au.com

He's certainly throwing some advertising bucks at it, using Bob Rogers on 2CH and i heard the ad 7 times at least, during the morning.

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