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Hi From Brisbane


Regular Member
Thought I'd do the obligatory welcome thread.

I have much more experience in SEO than buying and selling domains for profit, but I'm interested to learn. Initially worked for myself, than an agency and now a corporate.

I'm got about 100 domains, most are not au extensions however. We'll see how this goes over time :)
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Top Contributor
Welcome to DNT.

Good to see another Brisbane member. :)

I'm got about 100 domains, most are not au extensions however. We'll see how this goes over time :)

I started my AU journey in much the same way, with about 100 non-AU domains and just a handful of AUs.

Since then I've been buying AUs and letting a lot of the others drop.

I'm sure you'll enjoy AU.


Top Contributor
Welcome to DNT johnsee. I echo Shane's comment in that it is great to have another Queenslander on board. The Melbourne guys are just becoming unsufferable. ;)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Top Contributor
Welcome to DNT johnsee. I echo Shane's comment in that it is great to have another Queenslander on board. The Melbourne guys are just becoming unsufferable. ;)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)

Well if you didn't have as much bloody sunshine so we weren't all JEALOUS we could be an ok bunch.

And welcome to this very cool place johnsee - I'm new and enjoying it here. There are some very decent and helpful people around here. Even if we do come from Melbourne.:D


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