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Hi everyone!


Top Contributor
This site is great - lots of interesting posts etc. I'm looking forward to being involved and learning some new things! You definitely can teach an old dog new tricks!

I'm new to domaining, but have been involved in ecommerce businesses since 1999. It's interesting to read on other sites the varying opinions as to the future of domaining in Australia. There seems to be a lot of gloom and doom out there, but there are a lot of positive people too. I'm in the latter camp! I believe this is the business to be in. As with anything in life, you just have to put the effort in and work as smart as you can.

Cheers, Neddy


Top Contributor
Hi Neddy,

Welcome to the forum! Doom and gloom? On this board??? - Never!

I think lots of people are considering domain names & especially development of said domains to be a great investment strategy. When you compare with shares & housing at the moment it's pretty clear!

I think the internet sector will escape much of the general economic downturn. Did you see Google's big jump in earnings for Q3 this morning?

Anyway good to have you here!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
welcome neddy , i think things will cheer up in the future , it's a hard time for many at the moment , and i guess domaing is still a mystery to many but as the industry grows and more people become aware , decisions made today may become goldmines tommorrow ?????

......lets hope

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