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Help me get auDA off my back


Hey DNTrade,

I recently had synergy reach out to me regarding a domain I bought a couple of months ago, it's a generic name (first name, last name), but it is not a name of mine and registered under my ABN.

They've suspended the domain and are wanting me to provide proof of eligbility.

I told them that I had plans for future use of the website, and they're claiming that it would still be in breach of auDA policy, here's what they said:

"Unfortuneely theres a couple of things mentioned that would be in breach of auDAs policy.

- The registrant details must not be registered in someone elses name (like a friend or web developer), so we will require the details of the intended registrant instead.
- A .com.au cant be registered for the purpose of future use. You mentioned a website is being built, we would require evidence of the following:

The registrant meets both of the following at the time of registration:

- a commercial entity; and (hold an ABN/ACN)
- the domain name applied for must be: (one of the below)

(a) a match of the Person?s company, business, statutory or Personal name; or
(b) an acronym of the Personâ??s company, business, statutory or Personal name; or
(c) a match of the Personâ??s Australian Trade Mark; or
(d) a match to or an acronym of a name of a related body corporate or
(e) a match or an acronym of a name of:

(i) a partnership of which the Person is a partner;
(ii) a trust of which the Person is a trustee; or

(f) a match or synonym of the name of:

(i) a service that the Person provides;
(ii) goods that the Person sells (whether retail or wholesale);
(iii) an event that the Person registers or sponsors;
(iv) an activity that the Person facilitates, teaches or trains;
(v) premises which the Person operates"

Is there anything I can say to get them to reinstate the domain and leave me alone? I'm sat on around 30 different domains and this one is the only one I've had issues with (it was owned by a politician, which might have something to do with it).

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