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Hello from an enduser!


Regular Member
Hello all,

Ned suggested it would be a good idea for me to emerge from the shadows and say hello to everyone! :)

I am a financial advisor based in Sydney and have only been buying domains over the past 12 months. I appreciate the value of domains related to my industry and have been buying up big lately... I tell my wife it's like buying a house in Mosman 30 years ago... My only developed website so far is:

- sydneyfinancialadviser.com.au

My most painful purchases for the wallet have been:

- financialadvisor.com.au
- financialadviser.com.au

I look forward to contributing to the forum as I know I will be asking lots of questions as I 'try' to develop lot of websites with decent google rankings! :D


Top Contributor
Welcome to the forums - it's great to have another individual on the forums who shares my second passion - economics.

So if you ever feel like ranting in the Off Topic section about anything economics feel free.


Top Contributor
Welcome James, good to have another financial adviser on board.

I get around 90% of my clients from my website, so it's definitely a good source for us, and having your own site is better than buying leads from those pesky domainers... ;)

Congrats on securing those domains. They certainly sound good, but from my experience and research I've found that most people are searching for the product rather than the occupation. They're searching for life insurance or superannuation, not financial adviser or financial planner etc.

But anyway, the names are great regardless. Well done and welcome.


Regular Member
Speaking from experience, I can tell you that the majority of financial advisers don't have a great deal of knowledge when it comes to economics, let alone a passion for it.

I'm not bagging them (us) but it's just a fact. :)

hehe that is unfortunate but true... That's what happens with the minimum requirement to be a financial adviser is a 4 week distance education course... It brings the rest of us down who do actually have a few notches under our belt...


Regular Member
Welcome James, good to have another financial adviser on board.

I get around 90% of my clients from my website, so it's definitely a good source for us, and having your own site is better than buying leads from those pesky domainers... ;)

Congrats on securing those domains. They certainly sound good, but from my experience and research I've found that most people are searching for the product rather than the occupation. They're searching for life insurance or superannuation, not financial adviser or financial planner etc.

But anyway, the names are great regardless. Well done and welcome.

Oh no!! Competition!! lol Thanks for your insights... this is all pretty new to me. I tend to agree with you and have taken a two pronged approach.

1. Secure premium domain names of the profession and build my main website there
2. Secure product & service domains and build simple websites with information about that product/service.

I think you are proof that this strategy works with ~90% of referrals from your website - fantastic work One.
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Top Contributor
hehe that is unfortunate but true... That's what happens with the minimum requirement to be a financial adviser is a 4 week distance education course... It brings the rest of us down who do actually have a few notches under our belt...
I actually removed that post, as on reflection I didn't think it was really appropraite/necessary. But anyway, you're right it is a shame. I used to work as a compliance analyst for one of the big dealer groups and spent a lot of time with hundreds of advisers, and yeah it was pretty scary some of the things we'd see!

I had a look at your site, and yes you definitely have a few notches on your belt when it comes to your qualifications. Well done.

Oh no!! Competition!! lol Thanks for your insights... this is all pretty new to me. I tend to agree with you and have taken a two pronged approach.

1. Secure premium domain names of the profession and build my main website there
2. Secure product & service domains and build simple websites with information about that product/service.

I think you are proof that this strategy works with ~90% of referrals from your website - fantastic work One.
For sure. With a domain like that you could really position yourself as a premier adviser in Australia. Lots of blogging (all original content of course) would be a great start.


Top Contributor
Hi James,

Great example of an end-user with some nous making great use of a couple of ripper domains. Honestly, they are great investments for you - looking forward to see how you develop them.




Top Contributor
Hi James - apologies for the belated welcome. I'm glad others have greeted you. :)

It is fantastic to have new members of your quality join DNT.

I'm sure we'll learn a lot off each other.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Welcome. Maybe you can spread the word in the finance industry about the value of domain names... Or maybe its better we all keep quiet and buy more as it seems proces are rising every day if you watch netfleet and drop :)

Names worth $100 a year ago seem to fetch few thousand $ easily now .

Just looking at the results on netfleet they must also be happy with how much they are making every single day as the market gets better known.. 99.9% of aussies probably dont even know you can buy and sell .com.au's after the changes only a few years back.. once word gets out who knows where the market will go..My guess is up http://www.netfleet.com.au/domain-sales !!!

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