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Greetings from Malaysia

Hey there guys... I have just registered on this forum and would just like to greet everyone, G'day! I run an e-commerce store web based solution called InstanteStore. You can check out my site at http://www.instantestore.com.

We have a 30 Day Free Trial for you to trial the store and basically have everything set up before you signed on for the store and start selling away!

And unlike other boxed solution, we allow customizations to the store and work with you to have your store selling more for you! Apart from the store solution, we also provide design and SEO services to complement our store solution services.



Top Contributor
Welcome, good to have you here :p

It looks really profesional but as it is a hosted solution I would probably not use it especially with the high costs you have for data transfer and disk space


Top Contributor
Hi Charles,

Wonderful to have you here, and good to catch up after 4 or 5 years.

I used Instantestore.com.au for about 4 years, and the only reason I stopped was because I had a heart attack! In December 2006, in just 21 days, Fussy.com.au did just over 600 gift hamper orders. Flowers were a separate issue! Instantestore worked really well.

Here's a look at my old site (bit dated now!): http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20061205045843/http://fussy.com.au/

Their product seems to have really improved and kept up with the times. What I liked about them was that it was one set fee per month - it was $US49 then - and that included everything including hosting. It also has it's own customer email marketing system, so you can do away with aWeber or similar.

As Charles says, they have a free trial, so if anyone is keen on running an eCommerce shop, have a look and a play. You can then make your own mind up.

Charles and his wife Sui Sim are lovely people, and I can truly recommend them to you.

Cheers, Ned (Admin)
Hey there everyone! So sorry for the late reply! I was actually in Australia and was enjoying myself so much in this lovely country of yours that I actually did not have the time to check out this forum and reply to you guys... Very sorry about that!

Anyway, back to your questions... yes, we do have loads of Australian clients. :) Ned was one of them. And Ned, good to hear from you too and thanks for singing our praises. We really enjoyed working with you throughout the years as well.... Here's a list of our Australian clients.


Those are the ones that I can remember off hand but please do check us out.

And sp@rky13, I urge that you do give InstanteStore a trial run. The rates that we put up for the transfers are the normal charges that we have for overage. We can have customized plans to suit your needs. We even have a team who works on customizing InstanteStore for you to suit your store's need as we may not have all the features that you're looking for. :)

So once again, thanks for the warm welcome and Australia rocks!


Top Contributor
Hi Charles,

Welcome to the forum. Do you have any domains? I have a bunch of .my which actually get some half decent traffic. Do need to be a little careful though - the .my registry deleted pig.my because it was sensitive to the Islamic religion (wouldn't have complained if they said it was a lame typo hack!!)

I will check out your store... currently in the market




Top Contributor
Hi Charles,

Welcome to the forum. Do you have any domains? I have a bunch of .my which actually get some half decent traffic. Do need to be a little careful though - the .my registry deleted pig.my because it was sensitive to the Islamic religion (wouldn't have complained if they said it was a lame typo hack!!)

I will check out your store... currently in the market



Hi David Are you joking about the pig.my deletion??? maybe try pork.my ham.my bacon.my ?

Looks like some big companies wont be expanding to there and buying generic domain names like they have in Australia?

Whois response for pigs.com.au:
Domain Name pigs.com.au Last Modified 18-Jan-2011 23:29:08 UTC
Registrar ID Namescout
Registrar Name Namescout
Status ok
Registrant George Weston Foods Ltd Registrant ID OTHER 735563
Eligibility Type Trademark Owner
Registrant Contact ID NMS1520973

Whois response for ham.com.au:

Domain Name ham.com.au Last Modified 25-Jul-2010 19:24:52 UTC
Registrar ID Namescout
Registrar Name Namescout
Status ok
Registrant ID ACN 008 429 632
Eligibility Type Trademark Owner
Eligibility Name Heavenly Ham
Eligibility ID TM 636041
Last edited:
Hey, David. Wow! You serious about that? Didn't know MyNic was that strict.... Oh well! I will be on the look out. I do have some .com.my domains but nothing broaching the sensitive area. :)

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