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G'day from Domainsponsor

G'day DNTrade !

As the former Director of Operations UK @ NameDrive for close to 5 years, some of you may know me. For all of you that don’t, I hope I will get the pleasure of meeting more of you soon.

As of August 1st I joined Domainsponsor as a senior account manager, working out of Domainsponsors European office in not so sunny Frankfurt, Germany.

A few of you may have seen a recent post on Dave Harrys blog. www.Davidharry.me, it is with thanks to Dave I found this forum.

Why did I join? Having worked with numerous Aussie publishers over the years, it seems about time someone started actively supporting the Australian domain market. This is a promise I give to you all from this day forward.

So how can I help?

Independent as to whether your interests are in domain monetization, sales or development. I will try and help ALL of you where I can.

Upon approval and for those which actively park their domains I make the following offer:

- Increased revenue terms

- A/B Split testing and optimization of your portfolio to achieve the highest possible revenue.

- Unparalleled support

This offer is valid only for those whom currently do not have an active Domainsponsor account . Confirmation will be provided to you by email after signup. Please include “James Tuplin, DNTrade” in your application along with your DNTrade username.

For further details please do not hesitate to contact me via email or Skype: JamesTuplin.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Best Regards,
James Tuplin

Sr. Account Manager
Oversee Domain Services
Oversee Europe GmbH
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Top Contributor
Welcome James. It's great to have someone of your experience and background find their way to our little forum. :)

I look forward to seeing what opportunities you may be able to offer Aussie domainers.

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Regular Member
Welcome James to DNTrade and I know soon I will be able to share more on my blog about your direct impact on my own domain portfolio...stay tuned!

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