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FireFox 6 "intelligent" domain highlighting


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Firefox 6 has recently been released and one of the new security features is domain name highlighting in the address bar. Apart from the obviously security benefits, this can only be a good thing for domainers as now both IE and FF do this...

From the Sophos security blog:

The domain name of the current URI is highlighted in the address bar (or, more accurately, the non-domain-name part of the URI is slightly dimmed) so that it stands out.

Domain names are intelligently identified. Some countries use a TLD (top-level domain) registration system, where domain names end with a country code (e.g. sophos.de in Germany). Others use a 2LD (second-level domain) system, where domain names include a domain-specific identifier to the left of the country code (e.g. sophos.com.au). And a few use a mixture of TLDs and 2LDs (e.g. sophos.jp and sophos.co.jp).

I found it interesting they had a little dig at Australia and .co.cc:

In some TLD jurisdictions, especially for little-known country codes, scammers have registered 2LD-like domain names to give them an aura of respectability.

The best-known example is probably co.cc, which is a true domain name under Australia's ill-regulated Cocos (Keeling) Islands country code [*], unlike the well-regulated .com.au 2LD system used in mainland Australia. (Why the Australian federal regulators are so strict on .com.au yet so soft on .cc is an issue for another time.)

[*] Country codes don't actually denote countries. They are issued both to sovereign independent states and to their overseas dependent territories. Australia therefore ends up with five 'country' codes: AU, CC, CX, HM and NF.



Top Contributor
I hope its an improvement from the previous Firefox. I updated a month or so ago and had nothing but freezing and crashes when more than 3 windows open. Absolute pain, also experienced by both my sons on their systems.

I even changed to Chrome a few days ago but arent comfy, even though its faster. It just hasnt got the tools i need. I just got notified FF 6 is available, i just downloaded and hopefully this will be better.

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