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Explicit Games


Regular Member
<puts on tin hat><takes cover in pillow fort>I'm going say that this is a bad thing. So here is a list of games that have been banned in Australia for various reasons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games#Australia.

I notice that most of these bans are around graphic violence, drug use and or sexual themes.

Now dont get me wrong, Im a big fan of COD and there is nothing I like more that a set of knockers but are we really missing anything important by not having a R18+ rating for games? OR will having an 18+R rating system offer me any additional enjoyment from these banned games?


Top Contributor
I think that having games with high sexual content is more the issue than violence as much as MA games are violent enough anyway, so an R game with violence can't do too much more


Archived Member
more porn = less rape so you might be able to argue that violent games = less violence being acted upon.

I think they should ban CoD though.. you can't play FPS on a console.. need a mouse and keyboard for that son.

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