Wondering if a possible direct registration scenario might play out with this registration. Nonetheless, an impressive amount. Congratulations to the buyer..Lotto.net.au
I had to look twice...what a huge amount for a .net.au
This:Is it just my imagination or is there a lot more domains than usual dropping at the moment.
Also, isn't this around the time that the .net.au promo-priced domains would be starting to drop? I can't recall the exact timing of that promo, maybe it's too early for those, but there does seem to be a lot of .net.au domains dropping at the moment
What are your reasons for dropping these .net.au names?I let my LLL and other decent generic .net.aus drop after advice from other members. Some were purchased during the promo
Haven't seen DNT member "Shags" around for a long time. Anyone know if he's still involved with domains?
If so, there's a good one for him today on the drops. ShagaholIc.com.au
Until such time auDA says .com.au holders have 1st choice in regards to direct registrations, I would hold onto .net.au names if they had been acquired prior to April 18 of this year..
Anything registered afterwards, you'd assume that rules would be implemented to stop .net.au'ers having 'rights' however, they may find that they 'may' have rights before general availability. It be worth anyone's interes to still hold onto those good .net.au names (if your sole purpose is to take advantage of direct registrations)!
I have pm'ed you regarding this..I don't understand the terminology and what you mean; would you be up for explaining more? Thanks