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Domainer Networking Night


Top Contributor
Sorry we missed it - how many people were there in the end?

Sydney's turn next....
50 to 60 people
Some interesting converations that I overheard

" I offered him $50k for that name. He wants $80K "

" I am from Colombia, can I get you anything? "

" Traffic is all that matters and you don't get it with .com.au"

"We work at the Lost Dogs Home in IT"

"Dot anything will have a massive impact on domain values"

" I have been domaining for 16 years. Only made money in the last 6 years"

" The web site is launching next week. I have had the domain for 10 years"

" That bloke there writes for the AFR "

" If I had known that Ipad2 was yours, I would have stolen it"

" Of course we all want QLD to win origin. What Victorian doesn't want NSW to lose at everything?"

"There are 3 brothers and a cousin"

"Do you know wanyone who wants to sell a domain name?"

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