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Domain Auctions

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
It seems alot of the bigger players wish to get into the running auctions side of things

I am wondering if any of these bigger palyers are advertising the auctions in the mainstream media , in other words if you are charging a fee for me to sell or participate in an auction with you , are you letting the public know about these auctions or is it just domainer to domainer ?

I am suggesting part of your profit goes to an ad to let the rest of australia know about this industry , word of mouth is a great form of advertising , it may only take 500 people to read your ad and yet maybe 5000 more will get involved in the industry and then higher prices can be acheived for all


Top Contributor
I agree, I think in another 10 years, we`ll be reading these posts thinking: "wow I was there!"

Everytime I am asked, what do i do, I need to teach them everything...

Huge, huge growth ahead.


Top Contributor
I'm not all that convinced about the growth.

I keep seeing long domain names used in advertising rather than companies going after more generic names.

Like today at the cricket for example. howsafeisyourcar.com.au so many along these lines are promoted via TV media.

I'm not sure there will be as much growth in the aftermarket industry while companies just keep making up these longer more easily available names.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
ok guys i will make it a bit clearer

drop and netfleet are you going to advertise your auctions to the public , so people other than domainers become aware and start to get involved

sorry for any confusion , but i am saying if you advertise you may get better growth


Top Contributor
It seems alot of the bigger players wish to get into the running auctions side of things

I am wondering if any of these bigger palyers are advertising the auctions in the mainstream media , in other words if you are charging a fee for me to sell or participate in an auction with you , are you letting the public know about these auctions or is it just domainer to domainer ?

I am suggesting part of your profit goes to an ad to let the rest of australia know about this industry , word of mouth is a great form of advertising , it may only take 500 people to read your ad and yet maybe 5000 more will get involved in the industry and then higher prices can be acheived for all

just a couple of questions for you :)
what stage of the market are Australian Domain Names? and at what stage do you see investors and developers involved in the au trade?


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
i am suggesting it's only domainer to domainer mostly at the moment and i am hoping the people running auctions promote the auctions beyond this forum and emails , as i say do some outside media advertising to build the market up , to be honest i dont see the point of selling my names at domainer prices in domainer only auctions , i am sure some will view it differently , but i feel the auction houses need to promote themselves beyond just us


Top Contributor
ok guys i will make it a bit clearer

drop and netfleet are you going to advertise your auctions to the public , so people other than domainers become aware and start to get involved

sorry for any confusion , but i am saying if you advertise you may get better growth

Good point Spacey and one that we are considering.

While it’s still early days in terms of our secondary market auctions we are looking at a number of possible strategies to encourage end user participation if and when we fully launch.


Andrew Wright


Top Contributor
ok guys i will make it a bit clearer

drop and netfleet are you going to advertise your auctions to the public , so people other than domainers become aware and start to get involved

sorry for any confusion , but i am saying if you advertise you may get better growth

Hi spacey - the vast majority of Netfleet visitors are the mainstream public (probably not the buyers though). Mostly though the name spinner function used by our partners.

I'm keen for more public awareness though - I think it's up to all of us to try & push things. More posting in forums, commenting on blogs, emailing media outlets that sort of thing.

I reckon nwe should all do a co-ordinated media release too. Spend some money.

Off the cuff how about if each individual domainer pledged $50, companies like Netfleet, Fabulous, OMG, Drop, Domainwatch, Dntrade, major registrars etc pledged $1,000 each. We might be able to rustle up $20K

Get Ausregistry to match it ;) and we've got $40K.

That would get a bit of traction in the mainstream I reckon!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
as the business's that are going to make the bucks in the long run i am suggesting you guys fork over a bit of your profit to advertise , it is one thing to invite me to auctions , but if i am only going to sell to other domainers i dont see the point , i'll stay with the list for sale option , i think the domainer to domainer market is only so big , you guys are the business part of all this , i am saying advertise your business , on a constant well thoguht out platform .... your business your choice i guess , regards

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
I am wondering if any of these bigger palyers are advertising the auctions in the mainstream media

This is going to happen whether those entities invest or not. More players will become apparent, and with them will come education and awareness of the market. Advertising will play a part in that.

2010 is going to be a great year!

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