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DNTrade Rules Update: Clearly Identify External Content (or links to) in Posts


Top Contributor
Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that we’ve updated the rules to include a new rule about copying content and linking to other sites in posts.

Please see a copy below:

8. CLEARLY IDENTIFY EXTERNAL CONTENT (OR LINKS TO) – Please use the “quote” functionality on the forum software (the Insert Quote button or the “
the copied content here.
” bbCode) when referring to content from other sites. Please do not just post a link, or just use copied text as the main content for your posts. Unlike many other forums, we do encourage people to share relevant and interesting content from other sites, however it’s important that you add some of your own unique comments and make it clear what content you have copied by using quotes and a link to the original source. This type of content is also better received by members.

We’ve had several complaints from members, so we have updated our rules to make sure it is clear to all. Please ensure you follow all the DNTrade Rules when posting on DNTrade as it makes it a better resource for everyone.

If you need help please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.


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