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DNTrade Forum Upgrade


Top Contributor
Overnight DNTrade has undergone a facelift and some changes under the hood.

The admin team has been working on this for the last few weeks to ensure proper testing.

A few important changes we wanted to share with you:
  • Platform Upgrade: We’ve upgraded the forum software and cleaned up a lot of old legacy addons, code and files.
  • Topic Restructure: We’ve reorganised and condensed the forums to simplify the user experience.
  • New Anti Spam Measures: There are now a few more countermeasures and hoops for spammers.
  • Email Notifications and Digests: You can now get automatic email digests, as well as push notifications (and other bells and whistles).
We've also simplified memberships. We really appreciate the support of Trader and VIP members but we are now retiring these memberships and moving to a simpler structure with titles based off the number of posts.

If you come across any issues please let us know! (y)


Regular Member
Overnight DNTrade has undergone a facelift and some changes under the hood.

The admin team has been working on this for the last few weeks to ensure proper testing.

A few important changes we wanted to share with you:
  • Platform Upgrade: We’ve upgraded the forum software and cleaned up a lot of old legacy addons, code and files.
  • Topic Restructure: We’ve reorganised and condensed the forums to simplify the user experience.
  • New Anti Spam Measures: There are now a few more countermeasures and hoops for spammers.
  • Email Notifications and Digests: You can now get automatic email digests, as well as push notifications (and other bells and whistles).
We've also simplified memberships. We really appreciate the support of Trader and VIP members but we are now retiring these memberships and moving to a simpler structure with titles based off the number of posts.

If you come across any issues please let us know! (y)
Hi Chris. This facelift looks nice.


Top Contributor
A few forum changes were recently made. Consolidated many of the forums to be once again a clear focus on Domain Name and Domain Trading.

Also found the Edit post function, so that has been activated now. I know that has been requested a lot.

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