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DN Trade upgrade


Top Contributor
I think I actually prefer the blue header, I think it breaks up the page a little nicer than this revision does.


I think I actually prefer the blue header, I think it breaks up the page a little nicer than this revision does.

Hi David!

I must admit I actually like the dark blue as well, though consensus is heading towards lighter version.

The problem with the dark blue is that we can't see some text and links. How do we get around this iyo?

Cheers, Ned


Regular Member
Looking good Ned! I didn't see the earlier versions but as a user I like what you have done thus far.

A few comments:

1. On my monitor (15" laptop) I can't see Australia in the header background. Considering the subject matter of the site is primarily Australian domains this struck me as a little odd. On the forum page I can see the map of Australia as well as the rest of the world.

2. Some others have mentioned it, but I will again. The twin banner ads under the Navbar seems like a bit too much, and if they were removed it would bring more of the main content higher on the screen and above the fold. It wouldn't stop me from using the site, I would simply be curious to see how the dynamic of the page changed by removing those ads. Maybe it actually wouldn't matter much and it's worth leaving for the extra ad revenue - that's a business decision for you guys.

3. I noticed that clicking the DNTrade logo up the top always takes you to the forum. My expectation would be that it would take you back to the home page.

4. The rotating images on the home page look good. But thinking forwards to when you have launched the new site from a user perspective I would expect to see decent quality pictures (are you going to have to buy stock photos or are there enough decent quality freebies you can access?). And it would also be good to see them changed up fairly regularly which puts an onus on you to keep getting fresh articles and images. Great if you commit to doing it, that's a business decision for you guys. But if it becomes too much work, then it could cause the site to look stale when the images and articles on the home page are all 9 months old!

5. I really like your right rail. I think there is a good mix of ads, recent posts, poll, rss etc

You've got some great ideas for growing the site and engaging more of the community - exciting times!


Top Contributor
One little thing I just noticed is that when you click to the 'blog page', the first two links in the nav bar (home and forum) have changed to lower case.


Looking good Ned! I didn't see the earlier versions but as a user I like what you have done thus far.

1. On my monitor (15" laptop) I can't see Australia in the header background. Considering the subject matter of the site is primarily Australian domains this struck me as a little odd. On the forum page I can see the map of Australia as well as the rest of the world.

2. Some others have mentioned it, but I will again. The twin banner ads under the Navbar seems like a bit too much, and if they were removed it would bring more of the main content higher on the screen and above the fold. It wouldn't stop me from using the site, I would simply be curious to see how the dynamic of the page changed by removing those ads. Maybe it actually wouldn't matter much and it's worth leaving for the extra ad revenue - that's a business decision for you guys.


You've got some great ideas for growing the site and engaging more of the community - exciting times!

Thanks Luke. :)

We have done a whole heap more changes overnight and this morning.

With regards (1), this has been changed. How does it look?

I understand re point (2), and will have a play with this. Perhaps we leave the r/h one (as is currently the case on existing DNT), and use the space on the left to have our "motto" or something else? What do you think.

Cheers, Ned


One little thing I just noticed is that when you click to the 'blog page', the first two links in the nav bar (home and forum) have changed to lower case.

Thanks for pointing that out Tom. There is tons of fine tuning to be done all over the site. :)

I'm hoping to have the overall design of the template ready by tomorrow, then the fine tuning begins.

We really appreciate everyone's comments / suggestions and critiques. Please keep them coming!


Top Contributor
I am not a real designer, I admit I need to fix a few sites I own hehe =)

Some ideas I had from looking at the mock up:

- Navigation text at the top seems a bit out.
- With the main world logo you could emphasise Australia with a
different colour or something?
- I think you should also have a bit on the front page,
something like "Whats hot this week" which shows the latests threads
near the top of the page.
- Right hand navigation seems very ad heavy, possibly use 2 units and then have the hot threads this week?


Change the text colour ?

When I wrote that originally, I realised it was stupid! :eek:

What I more meant to say was that there are things like Ventra's logo in the footer that doesn't go so well with the dark blue.


Top Contributor
You could ask VentraIP or the like to supply a logo to suit the dark colour. they usually are happy to do such.


For those that didn't see the original dark blue colour yesterday, I have attached a .jpg image of top and bottom. (Edits have moved on since these).

In the top one, we lose the map in the banner (though I suppose that could be overcome).

And in the bottom one, we suffer with the Ventra logo etc.

Please let us know what you think.


  • Blue Top.JPG
    Blue Top.JPG
    52.6 KB · Views: 7
  • Blue Bottom.JPG
    Blue Bottom.JPG
    36.3 KB · Views: 6


Top Contributor
this can all be solved in the css, find the css that controls the 2 areas jointly and seperate the class or id, this way you are free to change the top and bottom individually


you start with this

#featured-top {
background: #ffffff;

which controls both areas

then you copy it and change it slightly

#featured-bottom {
background: #333333;

then find the id in the footer file and change it to read "bottom"

make sure you note what you do as it may get overwritten on upgrades


Top Contributor
Alright Ned. I'm gonna list off some stuff :)

Disclaimer: I'm writing this as if you must do it, as instructions. Read it as instructions :)

1. RE: VentraIP logo. Get a version in white. I'd assume they'd be able to supply one :) Also, the one at the moment quality wise is bad.

2. The colour of the text in the top strip ("The Front Page" etc) is too dark. I reckon, make it a little lighter (the font)

3. For the menu, the hover over text colour should be lighter.

4. Personally I think that the hover overs on the menu should change the background around the text (like the current tab is when it's not hovered over). A different colour though.

5. I like the slider. I think that the buttons should change a bit on hover though.

6. I like the sidebar though there's too many ads/sponsors in a row.

7. I like the tabs for news articles etc. I think have hover over on those as well (change background colour a little bit).

8. The font for "THE FRONT PAGE" doesn't really suite the page. It suites a newspaper but not that page.

9. The articles on the front page, I think need something different done to them. Something to divide them maybe, or a really light background colour.

10. What's with the 7 DNTrade logos at the bottom?

11. Games on a domainers forum doesn't make sense to me except in off topic...

12. Lighter text colour for the bottom menu as well.

Sorry about the massive post :)


Archived Member
I understand why you're upgrading the design of the board but I have to admit that one of the reasons I come here every day is because the look is clean and to the point. I really like it how it is but as said, I understand the need to grow the site.


Someone posted a suggested "motto" for DNT a week or so ago. It may have been in an intro post? Or somewhere else? Or maybe I'm going potty?

If someone can help me locate it please, that would be great. :)


Top Contributor
Someone posted a suggested "motto" for DNT a week or so ago. It may have been in an intro post? Or somewhere else? Or maybe I'm going potty?

If someone can help me locate it please, that would be great. :)


Simply - The Best! Thanks guys for the info. As they say among members of domaining community all around the world: DNTRADE rocks and is that dot that separates com and au [or connects com and au - that if you look at this from the inside angle].
By the way, just crossed my mind, if you are after a slogan for this forum - the above might do the job nicely. Something like: Australian Domaining Community forum - We are the dot between COM and AU

from http://www.dntrade.com.au/showpost.php?p=31154&postcount=7

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