Alright Ned. I'm gonna list off some stuff
Disclaimer: I'm writing this as if you must do it, as instructions. Read it as instructions
1. RE: VentraIP logo. Get a version in white. I'd assume they'd be able to supply one

Also, the one at the moment quality wise is bad.
2. The colour of the text in the top strip ("The Front Page" etc) is too dark. I reckon, make it a little lighter (the font)
3. For the menu, the hover over text colour should be lighter.
4. Personally I think that the hover overs on the menu should change the background around the text (like the current tab is when it's not hovered over). A different colour though.
5. I like the slider. I think that the buttons should change a bit on hover though.
6. I like the sidebar though there's too many ads/sponsors in a row.
7. I like the tabs for news articles etc. I think have hover over on those as well (change background colour a little bit).
8. The font for "THE FRONT PAGE" doesn't really suite the page. It suites a newspaper but not that page.
9. The articles on the front page, I think need something different done to them. Something to divide them maybe, or a really light background colour.
10. What's with the 7 DNTrade logos at the bottom?
11. Games on a domainers forum doesn't make sense to me except in off topic...
12. Lighter text colour for the bottom menu as well.
Sorry about the massive post