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Dispute resolution for .com domain name


Top Contributor
If someone has registered a .com domain name and there is absolutely no content on it at all, not even hosting setup for it yet (I.e. visiting the domain name yields a 'server error' or similar message), am I able to lodge a dispute with the .com domain administration?

Are there any similarities between AUDA's close and substantial connection rule, and that of .com monetisation policies?



Top Contributor
If someone has registered a .com domain name and there is absolutely no content on it at all, not even hosting setup for it yet (I.e. visiting the domain name yields a 'server error' or similar message), am I able to lodge a dispute with the .com domain administration?

Are there any similarities between AUDA's close and substantial connection rule, and that of .com monetisation policies?

No and no
Dot com policies are laissez faire
.au policies are socialism :)


Top Contributor
If someone has registered a .com domain name and there is absolutely no content on it at all, not even hosting setup for it yet (I.e. visiting the domain name yields a 'server error' or similar message), am I able to lodge a dispute with the .com domain administration?

Are there any similarities between AUDA's close and substantial connection rule, and that of .com monetisation policies?


A dispute because you don't like blank pages? C'mon man be serious. If someone owned a vacant block on land you wouldn't complain about that?


Top Contributor
Thanks for the reply guys.

I'm still very new to the business, so I'm just asking as many questions as possible to get a better understanding of what I can and can't do.

Snoopy in framing it the way you did, you are correct. However, as far as I'm aware, if the domain name in question was a .com.au I would be able to lodge a dispute regarding the close and substantial connection rule.

All your help is much appreciated. Cheers guys

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