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Crazy Domains private registration service


Top Contributor
I see auDA gave Crazy Domains a slap on the wrist (if you can call it that) for misleading advertising regarding private WHOIS services on .au domains:

Breach of Code of Practice by Crazy Domains


auDA has found that Crazy Domains breached the .au Domain Name Suppliers’ Code of Practice (2004-04) by advertising private registration services for .au domain names.

Under auDA’s WHOIS Policy (2010-06) and Registrant Contact Information Policy (2010-07) , it is not permissible for registrants of .au domain names to hide their personal information on WHOIS through use of private or proxy registration services.

The private registration service provided by Crazy Domains applies only to the Technical Contact for a .au domain name and not to the Registrant Contact, meaning that the registrant’s personal information is still disclosed on WHOIS. auDA has received complaints from .au registrants who purchased the service in the mistaken belief that their personal information would not be disclosed on WHOIS.

auDA has found that the way in which Crazy Domains was advertising the private registration service on its website breached clause 7 of the Code of Practice, because it was not clear, accurate and complete, and it was potentially confusing, misleading or deceptive.

In response to auDA’s formal notice of breach, Crazy Domains has agreed to amend the way in which it advertises the service and has been working cooperatively with auDA to ensure future compliance with the Code of Practice.


Top Contributor
Good on AUDA - I tried it once on a domain to see what it did and it did not really privatise anything except, as mentioned, the technical contact. Totally misleading advertising in my opinion.
Another issue

Crazydomains private reg service for ANY domain name is actually pretty bad.

In that, if you ever want to transfer to another domain service, and you want to retain your privacy settings, think again. At the time i went through the process, and escalated to the highest manager they had, i had to DROP the privacy settings in order to change to godaddy. (it was because i had lined up a sale and wanted a push option for low->mid offer i wanted to xfer).

As for the reason i bought the service, I dont care about random people whoising me, i just want to obfuscate my entire portfolio from somebody being able to download it and see my buying metrics, or current patterns.

So i escalated to the highest manager they had and they were extremely rude, basically saying they dont care, and i had to drop the privacy tool for a moment in order to complete the transfer from one private reg to another.

I'm PRETTY sure it was to do with email validation for domain transfers, and i think the email i replied with basically explained even if the transfer email went undelivered, they could still manually find it and help me, in about 2 minutes flat, longer than it took them to reply to my email. And that being i had paid for a virtual service for years and had a huge portfolio they were annoying the owner of, i thought this was fair. But NOPE.

I've got all my emails saved, i had originally planned to post it somewhere out of rage but never did, so if anybody from CD tries to defend this poor service, i will be happy to paste the emails verbatim.

In any case, i think crazydomains are good for the market, they offer a cheap service, pushing prices lower, but I was very annoyed with their customer service for somebody who had about 100 domains with them, I've pushed most of my stuff to ventraip and others since then.

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