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Bidding strategy


Top Contributor
It's the wee small hours of the morning, and I was just thinking about the drops (a subject never far from my mind unfortunately). :)

It terms of bidding strategy on the drops, it never ceases to amaze me why some people "front run". i.e. Make early bids.

Why telegraph your punches?

I understand that if you're participating on Drop.com.au you have to make some sort of bid before the 5 minute window. And if you bid $1,
no one else sees it anyway. If there are already other bids, all you need to do is bid $1 above the highest bid to be in the contest.

As far as Netfleet is concerned, you don't have to bid until the very end. That's the way I do it - and I have a good measure of success in picking
up domains. And there are others who think like me obviously.

I've probably done myself a great disservice making this post. So ignore it please - go ahead and bid early. Show me what you're after. :D


Top Contributor
I don't think it would be experienced domainers doing that.

I would have absolutely agreed with you Paul, but I do know of a few "experienced" people (maybe not necessarily true domainers though) who still put a bid in early.

Having thought about it a bit more, I think another reason for doing so may well be that people may not be around at 1pm, and thus put a proxy bid in early?

And then of course there is the "trophy domain bidding syndrome". Some people get bids in early on these (and sometimes go reasonably high from their normal habits / budget)
because they know they will never win it. But it's nice to be able to say "I bailed at $1k / $3k / $5k or whatever". It makes them a player. ;)

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Ned, the other day I'm pretty sure my proxy bid beat a 5 second to go bid of yours. I know you or someone else is going to bid on good domains so telegraphing really isn't an issue.

My proxy beat your bid by $1 ;-)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
They may just wish to let others know they are willing to pay a large amount and want to scare off others early in the peace


Top Contributor
Before I had my proxy bidding script up I would big early sometimes whenever I knew I wasn't online at 1pm.


Top Contributor
yes why attract attention? everyones comments above are all good reasons to and not to bid early

1) an ama that wants to get noticed
2) i'll be flying between X and Y and see if i have won when i land
3) scare people off, although i don't think is a good strategy as you are definately paying top $ as your opposition keep putting more then would have bid onto it because they have the time to think.
4) fly under the radar, i missed a name the other day because i didn't pick it up on my search and it went for $10, sure the proxy might have been $300 but i would have made a good bid so that person because they didn't bid early got a great price.
5) waiting till 5 seconds to go you risk the chance of your bid not taking, especially on busy days, everyone hitting the server all at the same time :eek:



Top Contributor
Ned, the other day I'm pretty sure my proxy bid beat a 5 second to go bid of yours. I know you or someone else is going to bid on good domains so telegraphing really isn't an issue.

My proxy beat your bid by $1 ;-)

Ha ha - nice one BF. :)

But the point I was trying to make is that there are so many domains dropping everyday, and amongst the multitudes there may only be a few good ones. Rarely do I go through the whole lists,
so when someone has made an early bid, I become alerted to that domain and may well bid on it. Whereas if they hadn't of bid early, I may not have made a bid at all (because I didn't see it)!

They may just wish to let others know they are willing to pay a large amount and want to scare off others early in the peace

"Peace" to you too Spacey. :)

You raise a good point - that strategy works well in property auctions. But it doesn't work in practise on Netfleet because you can't make a large fixed bid. You can make a large proxy bid,
but it takes two or more people bidding to get it beyond $10. Works on Drop though.

Before I had my proxy bidding script up I would big early sometimes whenever I knew I wasn't online at 1pm.

And you've picked up some nice domains too Zhen!


Top Contributor
4) fly under the radar, i missed a name the other day because i didn't pick it up on my search and it went for $10, sure the proxy might have been $300 but i would have made a good bid so that person because they didn't bid early got a great price.
5) waiting till 5 seconds to go you risk the chance of your bid not taking, especially on busy days, everyone hitting the server all at the same time :eek:

Both good points Tim.

No 4 is what I was alluding to. As I said, I don't go through all the lists every day. And when everything has dropped, if see a domain that I would have bid on, I get peed off.
It's my own fault though. So flying under the radar can be a good strategy.

No 5 - aaarggghhh! Curse and swear time.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Ned informs me he didn't bid on that domain. It was some other 5 seconds to go sniper.

I should have realised as he has much deeper pockets than me.

Unless it's his turn to shout ;-)


Top Contributor
I took the laptop to a 1pm appointment today as to not alert anyone to one I was after.

Love a last 5 second bid :)


Top Contributor
Some people get bids in early on these (and sometimes go reasonably high from their normal habits / budget)
because they know they will never win it. But it's nice to be able to say "I bailed at $1k / $3k / $5k or whatever". It makes them a player. ;)
I've done that before, InvestmentProperty.com.au was one :D
I completely agree, I never understood early bidding either. I'm a sniper, and not only in Battlefield on my ps3.:cool:
Last (surprisingly successful) snipe bid I made was for Personals dot com dot au, it is was JUST enough to win.

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