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Australian Domain Name Hierarchy

So most here:

don't want .au (to happen)
don't want to pay for .au if it does happen
consider .au to be a third-rate extension
despise the existence of .net.au's
think .com.au reign supreme

So based on the above I think auDA can give the .au to .net.au owners at no cost and everybody's happy.

Hey Rhythm, this wouldn't haven anything to do with your extensive .net.au holdings would it :)
So most here:

don't want .au (to happen)
don't want to pay for .au if it does happen
consider .au to be a third-rate extension
despise the existence of .net.au's
think .com.au reigns supreme

So based on the above I think auDA can give the .au to .net.au owners at no cost and everybody's happy.

You don't pay extra for a domain that you don't want that you don't think will make a difference.

Everybody wins.
The argument I am hearing from most DNT members is that the majority of .com.au owners hold .net.au as well (defensively) and therefore .com.au owners ought to have priority of .au domains if released - in the majority of cases the .com.au owners run real businesses (mostly small businesses) from their domains while the .net.au domains are often redirected or don't resolve but are rather held defensively.


Top Contributor
I'm probably the least biased here.
Whatever I happens I lose a massive chunk of domains in .au
So effectively I can't really take a side.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
The argument I am hearing from most DNT members is that the majority of .com.au owners hold .net.au as well (defensively) and therefore .com.au owners ought to have priority of .au domains if released - in the majority of cases the .com.au owners run real businesses (mostly small businesses) from their domains while the .net.au domains are often redirected or don't resolve but are rather held defensively.

Then the .nz solution shouldn't be a problem (unless there is a .gov.au or .org.au)


Top Contributor
no rhythm, you have missed the point and then stated the obvious !
not wanting .au is because of the increase in cost, not that we don't want it to exist, it does make some sense in the long term, but doubling the businesses costs isn't fair.
.net.au's yes, they are the ones that came to the party to late, they are the ones that stand outside of the MCG on grand final day
.com.au does reign supreme, i think thats concensus.

I think auDA can give the .au to .net.au owners at no cost and everybody's happy.
GIVE.......... LOL, give it to the .com.au owner daaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Top Contributor
just spoke to one of my clients, he needed an extra email address created, once AGAIN i took an opportunity to let him know about the possibility of a .au coming into play, he has a branded, trademarked company, he has many products in Woolies, Coles, IGA etc and he said " why don't i know about this " ?
he's trademarked and is not a generic word so he's pretty safe, but will still have to pay extra for the .au

and this is the underlying problem, i know people are saying its going to take 5 years or something but if auda aren't telling businesses now they never will, they'll tell them after it happens.
and propaganda by george virtually saying its a done deal is totally out of line IMO
and this client will never think to search and read it, the ONLY mechanism to fairness is to contact every domain name owner and its a load of crock that that can't be done, just look at the letters you get when an election is on, well this is an election IMO

+ who knows the price of .au ? has it been mentioned ? if so i missed it, so thats like they want you to have an opinion without all the proper knowledge , its like walking into a coffee shop and saying i'll have a large coffee please, how much? and them saying " we'll tell you once you get it " how silly !


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there are far to many unanswered questions here:
firstly, the committee where asked to resolve certain questions, very restrictive in my view
the first survey was created by the people who are best to profit, yes you could just write your own detailed submission but in reality who knew you could ? dubbodentist.com.au didn't
now this survey asks you just 3 points and a comments section, ohhhh and once again dubbodentist doesn't know about it either.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
From memory I was paying the same for a .net.au (last time I regged one) so I don't see why my claim is not as valid as a .com.au holder

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Spacey, do you have any developed .net.au's?

Just smallbusiness.net.au which is in limbo until I find a better plan, i did have vegetarian.net.au at one stage and perhaps one or two others? My sites got hacked a few years back. Point being if I pay the same to reg a name what does it matter when comes to me getting the .au ....... both of the current extensions end in .au


Top Contributor
spacey you paid the same reg for a .net.au but they went and put .net.au on sale for $1 , hmmmmmmmmm , they didn't put .com.au on sale for $1 did they ?
that $1 sale is the worst thing auda could have done before this committee , its going to come back and haunt auda, it will be fundamental IMO to what happens next.


Top Contributor
I'm probably the least biased here.
Whatever I happens I lose a massive chunk of domains in .au
So effectively I can't really take a side.

Have you ever met a person who thinks they are biased? Neither you nor me are the balanced middle ground...sorry.


Top Contributor
From memory I was paying the same for a .net.au (last time I regged one) so I don't see why my claim is not as valid as a .com.au holder

You've probably paid a lot less overall, depending on how much you initially paid and when you registered the name.

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