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auDA Board accepts final report of 2010 Names Policy Panel


Top Contributor
is the stupid "6 month rule before you can sell" now abolished allowing you to sell immediately if you want?


Top Contributor
is the stupid "6 month rule before you can sell" now abolished allowing you to sell immediately if you want?

No - there is another thread about this.

There are two panels - the first one is the "Names Panel". That is the one that has almost reached ratification.

The "Secondary Market Panel" is the one Soj and I were on. This covers (amongst other things) the 6 month rule. Recommendations are all finished
and are to go to the next Board meeting I believe. We've just got to be a bit patient .....


Top Contributor
Interesting indeed.

The following recommendations were accepted:
Domain Monetisation Policy:


the Domain Monetisation Policy (2008-10) should be abolished as a separate policy;
Schedules C and E of the Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for Open 2LDs (2008-05) should be amended to include domain monetisation under the close and substantial connection rule for com.au and net.au domain names (as exemplified in Attachment A to the Panel’s report);
the existing conditions of use on domain names registered on the basis of domain monetisation under the “close and substantial” connection rule should be retained;
the definition of “domain monetisation” should be replaced with a description of permissible practice, to accommodate a range of monetisation models; and
the Guidelines for Accredited Registrars on the Interpretation of Policy Rules for the Open 2LDs (2008-06) should be amended to include additional explanatory material regarding domain monetisation.

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