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Any thoughts on this one


Top Contributor
There must be millions of them in Oz that play up from time to time. Any thoughts on this one antennarepairs.com.au ??? I thought it would be a great fit for Jim's Antennas etc.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
its no so much that they play up , it's more the fact with the digital changeover many tvs are not getting all the channels, i know of a few people who dont get all the hd channels , i recently made the comment 'mr antenna' gonna be busy ! , my guess for value is low xxx-high xxx


Top Contributor
Spoke to a guy just last week who said he'd sold antennas.com.au for mid 5-figs. I was trying to buy one of his other names so perhaps he was talking it up a bit to try & talk me up on the name he was interested in!

I think low $XXX wholesale, low $XXXX end-user. I think the trouble you may have selling to an end user is that they will probably supply & install antennas first and foremost and repair may only be a service they offer on the side - hence they might not want to brand themselves as a repair specialist.

Definitely one to develop though!

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