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Adsense Partners Day


Top Contributor
I got an invite to Google Adsense Partners Day in Sydney next month, thinking of going. Anyone else going?



Top Contributor
Yeah not sure why I got picked, I guess it's my incredible good looks and talent :D

It's probably a scam to get you in a room so that they can either ban you in person; or have you arrested by the law. :D

I've seen news reports from the USA where the cops run these sort of events where they target individuals they want to arrest. They send out invitations to their last known address saying something like "you have won a prize - come and collect it at our special bonanza prize giving day - all the food and drink you want etc".

And the arrest rate is quite staggering apparently - there are some real dumb arses out there!

Not that you are in that category Don. :D


Top Contributor
I'm going to an Adwords thing at Google this afternoon as it happens. Anyone else going? Nick Leeder is speaking which should be good.


Regular Member
I went to one of these a few years ago. Essentially they were talking about ways to optimise your ads to get more income. The usual stuff, positioning, colours etc etc. Then they had a session when they went over your site one on one, but there wasn't much time as there were a lot of people there.


Top Contributor
Yeah went to one a few years ago, pretty basic just get to go down to the Google offices talk about your ads and what not...

I think the events they run for Agency's are usually a bit better, they bring in speakers from overseas and what not...

Best Google event I went to was this Cruise around the harbour with all these celbs...


Top Contributor
It's probably a scam to get you in a room so that they can either ban you in person; or have you arrested by the law. :D

LOL. Colour me paranoid but that's the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this thread :D


Top Contributor
I'm going to an Adwords thing at Google this afternoon as it happens. Anyone else going? Nick Leeder is speaking which should be good.

Is that the channel advisor event? Was going to go but have a client meeting so can not make it.

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