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Australia REALLY NEEDS another domain marketplace, or seven


Top Contributor
I'm not going to get into the broader issues of domaining etc (that can be done in other threads) but I will respond to your queries and comments re Netfleet.

When we started Netfleet, the volume of domains listed rose pretty quickly. It became apparent to us that we needed an efficient system to help people find what they are looking for.

We did the obvious things - categorised domains for 'easy' browsing and created an advanced search function.

However it was also evident that some listings would, in general, be more attractive to our visitors than others. These are often from sellers who are more motivated (realistic).

We had already devised a valuation algorithm (with over 20 calculations from 13 different variables!!) so we decided to (in Google fashion) create another algorithm for establishing the quality of the actual domain listing itself. Then using that metric we could push the 'better' listings to the top of the search results and give our visitors a better user experience (and help our more realistic sellers and the site overall get more sales)

So we created Quality Index. A measure of the listing's quality, not the domain itself. ReallyCrappyDomain.com.au could have a better QI than Realestate.com.au.

Quality index takes into account:

Whether the lister has gone to the effort of putting in a target price
If so how close is that target price to our internal valuation
Has the lister put in a low starting price to encourage bidding
If so, how low is that starting price relative to our valuation
How many views has the listing had (if for whatever reason a listing is getting heaps of views, we must imagine it's a good listing)
Has the domain had an offer
If so how many offers has it had

Then there are a few other things as well that I'll keep under my hat ;)

NOTE - a domain is not automatically penalised in the valuation (certainly not the listing) if it has numerals in it.

It is, as you say a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. The more views, the more offers, the more of both of those the higher QI and therefore the more views etc... But then again, so is the Google algo. It's easier to acquire backlinks for a high PR well ranked site than a brand new unranksed site for example.

There are methods to get a headstart though things such as placing a link on the site itself to the listing. Not only will it tell visitors your domain may be for sale but it will greatly increase the views on that listing which will increase it's QI on Netfleet and therefore its site exposure.

You can also buy your way to a good start through our Premium Listings options :)

But in general if you follow above, and your domains are half decent, over time you'll make progress and the listing will find it's rightful spot in the rankings.

Also, please be aware that we aren't just sitting on our hands waiting for the money to come rolling in. Much of my time and Mark's time has been marketing Netfleet (moreso the domaining industry) to end-users.

For every dollar we've made on the aftermarket (through people buying credits), we've committed $10 into promoting the site and I don't think anyone's spent as much time or money on press releases, email campaigns, social media marketing etc etc on this than us (in Australia anyway!).

Anyway I hope that gives you a better idea of how the system works :) It's not perfect and we have a huge list of improvements to work on but we are trying and are always open to suggestions (such as the great feedback we've had on this forum)


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what is a name spinner and of what "leads" do you speak?

see here:

now what do you think the click through rate for this will be?

Again I may be wrong however I detected some sarcasm in the pipedream prices comment?

No it wasn't sacarism, it's a serious suggestion. Once the domain LuckyCountry.com.au listed for sale at $5,000,000... you'd have to be a mentally ill multi-millionaire to purchase the domain for that price. IMO thats like a spam listing.


Top Contributor
With the example above it is a complete waste of money registering something in .com.au when the .com is available, unless it is something that only makes sense in the Australian market. So many mistakes being made here.

Why would anyone pay $13,000 for something when a name that is 100 times better is freely available?


Top Contributor
With the example above it is a complete waste of money registering something in .com.au when the .com is available, unless it is something that only makes sense in the Australian market. So many mistakes being made here.

Why would anyone pay $13,000 for something when a name that is 100 times better is freely available?

Correction. 20 times better ;)


Top Contributor
10 times
20 times
bottom line
STOP trying to compare .com to .com.au
Any commodity is only worth what the BUYER is willing to PAY.
At present 3d*****.com.au's are no way worth $BigBucks
3d*****.com's are over-priced at $500

Shags when 3d Names start (if ever) making BIG sales then you can expect No more than $10K for some of them. Most of yours would even then be pushing to sell for $1k

I often tell people they should talk up the value of their names, but even I think your expectations belong in the realms of Pie-in-the-sky.com.au


Top Contributor
Shags when 3d Names start (if ever) making BIG sales then you can expect No more than $10K for some of them. Most of yours would even then be pushing to sell for $1k

Which ones do you think will be worth 10k?

Personally I think if 3d names start selling well they still won't be worth anything much. I've seen some 3d names about the place that could be worth that kind of money if it does well, but not newly registered stuff of questionable relevance, eg putting 3d____3d on both ends of a keyword. The people who stand to make money if the 3d domains area does well are those who got in well before the average guy on the street knew about the new technology (ie years ago)...*and* then went and did a lot of research and made wise decisions on what to register and what to leave.

To put it in perspective in .com for domain to be expected to sell for 10k it would be a relatively popular one or very popular two word combination, in .com.au we are talking stunning keywords to be worth that money, caravanparks.com.au etc. Maybe if the names was 3d.com.au it might be worth 10k in the future if the area did well. 2/3 words combinations many of which aren't very intuitive or with commercial relevance? forget it.

In 2009 for examples there was 5 .com.au sales of 10k or more. So far this year, 2 according to namebio. There isn't many people/companies who will lump up 10k for one.

Don't take the above as a rant about .com.au, it is a rant about how few domains are actually worth the kind of money being talked about.


Top Contributor
by 10k for some names I meant in general, not for shags names
things ike 3dtv or 3dsites :)))


Top Contributor
IPL will pay in excess of $25k for 3D2020.com ...... write it in your diary

That seems pretty unlikely, given that twenty20 cricket has never been identified by "2020". Generally it is either twenty20 or t20. Even the all-knowing Wikipedia states that "Twenty20 cricket is also known as T20 cricket."

I just did a quick search and noted that each of the following are still available, and seem like better opions:


I'd be willing to bet my whole domain portfolio that no one will give you anything close to $25k for that name.


Top Contributor
If IPL ever decided to stream games in 3d over the web that wouldn't need a separate domain, they could just have an option for it or auto detect 3d hardware. It is a bit like the .mobi argument where people thought companies would be marketing separate domains with .mobi. If you are going to speculate on 3d make sure it is names people are likely to pay for if it does well, names with genuine commercial relevance, 3dtvs.com, 3drecorder.com, 3dcomputers.com etc, obvious names with clear usage, not amazon3d.com or 3dbanking.com. Might be better trying to buy one or two names like that rather than dozens of fresh registrations.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
That seems pretty unlikely, given that twenty20 cricket has never been identified by "2020". Generally it is either twenty20 or t20. Even the all-knowing Wikipedia states that "Twenty20 cricket is also known as T20 cricket."

I just did a quick search and noted that each of the following are still available, and seem like better opions:


I'd be willing to bet my whole domain portfolio that no one will give you anything close to $25k for that name.

I really need to keep my mouth shut don't I :D

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