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auda meetup


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thanks luke for making the effort, you asked some great questions and received I think some great answers, ( as did the others who attended ) I know we are both eager to have everyone watch the entire meeting on video as soon as possible.
i'll just note that the cost of a live broadcast was prohibitive , I don't think members would have been happy with the expense so thanks auda for at least videoing the event, my understanding is they are working towards live events of this nature and when that comes it will be great for our non city members.
all in all it was actually fitting it was state of origin night, 4 members attended, the same number that were at the start of the state of origin concept table, 4 blokes in a bar fighting over who was best, qld or nsw back when there was ONLY a nsw truly professional competition and sooooooooooo many qld's had to move to Sydney to make a buck, this is PRE wally lewis, mal meninga , Alfie langer, etc

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