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2017 domain industry catchup - melbourne


Top Contributor
I think it's time again for a meet up, too long between drinks I say. Let's look at early next month.
How does Tuesday 2 May look for everyone at the Duke Of Wellington (only a block away from our last catch up)


Top Contributor
You will find that @chris and myself won't be able to attend that date for a clash between the SEO Melbourne Meetup and your drinks. Would you consider the Wednesday of that week instead?


Top Contributor
Ok so it's: Duke of Wellington Tuesday 9 May
146 Flinders St, Melbourne 5.30pm
I'm hoping that some of you lady members could perhaps come along as well..


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Funny off topic thread going on here. Haven't been to the Duke before, Do you guys have a preferred spot inside, so at least for people like me, we kind of know a direction to walk once inside.


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loads of beer on tap, i haven't ever been but google images says to me "front bar"
it will be hard to get lost? a set of tables by the windows?



Top Contributor
admin, can we "sticky" this in "new posts" ?
i think these meetups are worthy and its hard to keep pushing them up when trival posts about the future of the internet keep getting in the way :rolleyes:

and whilst i am at it , i CALL for other cities to have them at the same time, so we could perhaps have a telephone hookup, i see the first time being a DISASTER but lets give it a go, and also if you are ONE peron in dubbo ( maybe a dentist i'm not sure LOL ) " then lets give it a go ! i have an unlimited phone plan, i could call you and then pass the phone around the table !

lets make our next meetup goal to have a member from somehwere join in via phone. all those in favour? all those somewhere else......POST you are coming via phone.

lets give something stupid a go.


Top Contributor
definitely a great place to meet!, in fact I might be there today for the Anzac Day clash between Essendon & Collingwood..

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