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Introducing: Domain Sales Australia


Hi everybody,


As of a couple of hours ago, this is now live up and running.

Obviously very early days with the amount of domains and of course, forum discounts available ;)


Top Contributor
i know this is not domain DESIGN appraisal but nice layout using a parallax theme, interesting internal left sidebar which is well thought out, once you get content it should look very good.

critism is that you have an outlook.com email address, this does NOT breed confidence IMO.

MANY threads here say that we don't reply to anything other then a domain email address when in a process of selling or buying. just a hint, thats all



Thanks all, appreciate all the constructive feedback also!

I guess the method behind my madness (re: domain email) is that like in every business, cash flow is king!!!
I wanted to sort all of my fixed costs firsts before diving into any variable costs such as monthly email hosting.

I think that if someone is truly interested in a domain i have for sale then we will talk business.

Perhaps Tim you could help me along my way and we can talk offline on a deal? ;)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
What was the course? How long was it?

That what I was wondering, speaking to Honan last week he told me how he had gone to the exhibition building (i think it was that venue) and the guy that wrote, Poor Dad Rich Dad was giving a seminar. At one point there was a course offered to learn domaining (at a cost in the $x,xxx) range. Joe reckons people were falling over themselves to sign up !!


Top Contributor
if your hosting a website then email addresses should be included ! if they want you to pay extra then you're with the wrong mob.

just pick up the phone and ask them.

PM if you find they give you trouble



Typo on the checkout page: http://domainsalesaustralia.com.au/checkout
Tab is called "Authenicate"

I'm curious what your site does. You accept payment and facilitate the transfer?

3rd parties can list their domains on your site? How?

Good luck, I hope it does well for you.

You have PM.

Course was exactly that, domain trading 101, 2 days over the weekend to teach you the basics and got involved from attending the Robert Kiyosaki seminar earlier in the week.

The actual website is not mine as such, it's hosted by the course i did and my domain (domainsales...) simply re-directs there.


Top Contributor
The actual website is not mine as such, it's hosted by the course i did and my domain (domainsales...) simply re-directs there.

then bail out now before you put more work into it, you need to be in TOTAL control.



Top Contributor

These guys are Winged Media, ProTrada et al.

Adam Dicker is on this.

I think it's great what they are doing. I believe they are trying to bring domain investing to a more mainstream pool of investors.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
You have PM.

Course was exactly that, domain trading 101, 2 days over the weekend to teach you the basics and got involved from attending the Robert Kiyosaki seminar earlier in the week.

Can we ask the cost of such a course, perhaps the trade off is host with them and register names through them, got the feeling a few of us would love to read the nitty gritty stuff .... thanks !


New Member
Can we ask the cost of such a course, perhaps the trade off is host with them and register names through them, got the feeling a few of us would love to read the nitty gritty stuff .... thanks !

Hey Guys,

Im pleased you like the design on Borna's site, more layouts to come. We offer these websites as "domain shops" for investors to self-broker & outbound market (including brochures etc). We have escrow & payment gateway plugged in. Also provides a listing over to our broker platform, Namebrokers.com for representation and to Afternic. Happy to hear from any Aussies who need a shop or who are interested in brokering premium com.au & .com names. We'll also be implementing an affiliate program for referrals from shop to shop for passive income. My best


Nice designs

I knew I had seen the design before, was trying to remember where, here it is:

Here's some other examples of this template in use:

Hi Demonoid... they are very nice templates :)
check out www.domainbrokersaustralia.com.au
I head up Namebrokers Australia.. showasemanager is built on our platform also.. i can help you out incase you'd like a similar site for yourself with full CMS ...

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