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Friday Funnies


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I told you so

a little late for friday

my car rego is due on 27th June, and we got the sticker last year but for the past 10 months i have been saying to helena " i gave it to YOU" and she has been saying " no you didn't "

finally today helena is going through some paperwork and guess what , I DID give it to her :D

thus ends the threat of being fined for an out of date sticker on the car, no doubt i am about to put it on the car right now only to recieve the next one this week !

but of course it was my fault :eek:



Top Contributor
That is pretty hilarious.

More so because you haven't been fined for it. Make sure you enjoy the moment of "I was right". Women :rolleyes:

Luckily in QLD, our rego labels are going bye bye as of October this year. About time.

I sold a car in 2004, unregistered. Buyer rocks up with a legit permit to transport the car unregistered. We sign paperwork, shake hands, he drives off in the car.

He is about 5 minutes down the road when I'm hit by a shiver of panic as I remember that I left the rego label on. I quickly dial his mobile and he answers and I tell him that I forgot to pull the rego label off (which is a no-no for unregistered car transport)

He answers matter-of-factly "No worries, the officer is removing it for me right now"

I felt terrible!


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I misplaced my rego and was late to pay it, I knew it was somewhere at my home office, and was still in the current month so the colour and the bold month number were still "right" on the sticker on my car. Figured I would get around to finding and paying the new one sometime that month.

Was driving along lakeside albert park last year, dawdling along at 40, stopping for the swans to cross the road, come around the bend, cops pull me over.

They had a camera system checking license plates for expired rego.

The fine was more than the rego!

Went home, cleaned up my office, and paid it.

Lesson learned.

I was only 8 days over and they stung me.

You are lucky you didn't drive past one of those licence plate checking cameras Tim!


Top Contributor
i'd paid the rego as soon as i got the sticker but didn't bother putting it on, just could't find the sticker when the time came.

this year i'm putting it straight on, i don't think they can fine you for being in advance ?



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Insurance lapses same time rego does.
Good point I totally didn't think about that. I have my car insured but not the 3rd party kind that comes with rego. My bad! I will pay it the day it arrives next time for sure, you've given me an even better reason.

I need an AUTO-renewal tick box... lol weak pun ;)

It's time to get this thread back on course to the funnies!


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I took the kids out tonight to see the "blood moon" , ruby wanted to take her camera. so here we are seeing this red-ish moon and she takes a photo only to get a black screen....... then

" daddy, how do I turn the flash on " ?

I love the young mind :)


Data Glasses

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I misplaced my rego and was late to pay it, I knew it was somewhere at my home office, and was still in the current month so the colour and the bold month number were still "right" on the sticker on my car. Figured I would get around to finding and paying the new one sometime that month.

Was driving along lakeside albert park last year, dawdling along at 40, stopping for the swans to cross the road, come around the bend, cops pull me over.

They had a camera system checking license plates for expired rego.

The fine was more than the rego!

Went home, cleaned up my office, and paid it.

Lesson learned.

I was only 8 days over and they stung me.

You are lucky you didn't drive past one of those licence plate checking cameras Tim!

i still remember when the fine was only $100 or so for being unregged then they figured out to increase it to the same as reg fee ,,,,


Top Contributor

search "cert gov" and you get this result


this is the national computer emergency response team

A message from the Executive Manager

CERT Australia is the single coordination point for cyber security issues affecting major Australian businesses. We have partnerships with around 500 businesses – providing them with the best cyber security advice and support possible, as soon as possible.

Dr Carolyn Patteson.

and they didn't do a robot.txt file !!!

( note, yes, I have websites that don't either but I found this one funny )



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Yeah, a little ironic. I've been getting multiple CERT email notifications for clients that I take care of over the past few weeks.


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Yeah, a little ironic. I've been getting multiple CERT email notifications for clients that I take care of over the past few weeks.

the guy on the phone implied these notifications were "random" , what a waste of our time.

so they are just pretending to work?



Top Contributor
Hah :)

I love how CERT are scanning websites for malicious exploits. I wonder what else they are looking for while they disguise their activity as "scanning"

That said, so many people just never know because their hosting is so insecure, with no basic protection like mod security or basic file scanning which IMO should be priority #1.

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