I never like sites that have the slider on every page, follow that up with a adsense GODADDY advert as a banner before I get to some content makes me BOUNCE straight out.
the calculator is good but seriously big whoop !
it doesn't show me an authority or respect for the domain, its really close to a parking page format, I'm sure your stats would show a 2 second exit time on the homepage...... if that.
don't have a forum if you DON'T have members !
Any suggestions on how to make it more appealing and monetise it better would be appreciated.
as above: make the slider only appear on the homepage, remove the adsense block and maybe put them into sidebars, use image adsense links as its all text right now and that might add some life to the pages.
in the footer where are the insurance quotes going? they go to a page but do you have affiliate links in them? once someone fills out the form?
http://www.salarycalculatoraustralia.com/comment/3#comment-3 , whatever that layout is it looks 10 years old !
sorry mate, scrub it , redo, if you didn't ask us to look at it I would have bounced in 1 second.