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Brandables Showcase

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I thought it may be interesting for some members to showcase their brandable domains whether they are sites or not ….. let's see what you got ?
Maybe you have sold a few or have an opinion …… let's hear it


Regular Member
What about Case Studies too? It would be really good to see how people have purchased domains and then transformed them into advertising or marketing machines and how they did it!


Top Contributor
I purchased this domain a few years ago from a forum member, it is going ok made my money back on it - http://backlinks.com.au guess it is kind of brandable.

I also purchased a bunch of domains on the drops over the past few years and sold most in 2013. Most in the $X,XXX price range.

So overall doing ok but room for improvement with sales and development.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Noticed trivago and turn recently in the travel and then we have choosi and youi in the insurance arena's …….any other categories that lend themselves to being branded ?


Top Contributor
I avoid the whole 'brandable' thing these days, but one of my early hand regs was ringstinger.com

I received an offer for it many years ago via Network Solutions, and a short time later it was revealed as a new brand of sauce based in London.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I avoid the whole 'brandable' thing these days, but one of my early hand regs was ringstinger.com

I received an offer for it many years ago via Network Solutions, and a short time later it was revealed as a new brand of sauce based in London.

So you did sell it to them ?


Top Contributor
I'm surprised you would even register ringstinger in the first place :) what does that even mean.

It just had a certain ring to it...

Think curries, hot and spicy foods etc. :eek:

It was registered in my early naive days, before I realised the money was in developing commercial terms.


Top Contributor
A mate asked me a few years back what I thought the domain fashiondirect.com.au was worth - I said it was a nice name but it was only worth low $XXX because it had no search volume...

He sold it for $3000 on the brandability of the name.




Top Contributor
i grabbed compressy earlier this year, idea being so much data floating around will need to be compressed at some stage

Forward thinking spacey :cool:

I got linkbuilder com au using the expired domain search tool :D

I dunno it is kind of an ok domain for what I do anyways...
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Regular Member
Brandable domains are good, although always make sure they are rememberable and easy to type/spell.

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