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what wordpress framework should I learn?


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Etc etc etc

I am inclined to go with Genesis, but wanted indication of which my time would be best spent learning.

Kind Regards,
If you read into popularity by the volume of template publishing against the volume of sales on marketplaces like themeforest, then there is at least an argument that Twitter Boostrap oriented frameworks are rising in popularity.

I am personally favoring bootstrap oriented implementations, but whichever framework you choose, you will generally modify the original framework enough that it didnt matter which you started with.

The primary goal is probably just to stick with 1 or a limited range in order to reduce the required reading.

My opinion: doesnt matter. I would be more interested in managing the current jquery stack that you work with on a regular basis.


Top Contributor

Thank you for response.

Not sure if follow... Sure I can buy child themes from themeforest. Am wondering what Wordpress parent theme I should start with.

Inclined towards Genesis as a limited range to begin with. And yes keeping reading down is major consideration.

Totally lost with "managing the current jquery stack." Is it in context?

Kind Regards,


Top Contributor
based on your comments i suggest genesis and not just because i LOVE genesis but because it is:

1) easy to use
2) you can find cheap people to do the difficult stuff for you ( elance dot com )
3) many small alterations can be found on fiverr dot com
4) they have a great support forum
5) most templates are responsive but all will be soon
6) stick with just one template and you can create hundreds of different looking sites ( i know as i do)

then once you have some knowledge, branch out, i'd say the next step is woothemes, after that i'd say woocommerce, if you get that far you won't be doing any programming you will be just employing others to do it for you.

the benefit i find in sticking with 1 platform is when you employ people you know what they are doing and you know if they are doing it wrong or ripping you off. Also there is no reason why a website design for a dubbodentist can be then duplicated and used for a plumber in perth and that is where you save money on dev costs.

pay $x for the first one and then pay $x - $200 on the next, but invoice the same.

NEVER alter the genesis files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only the child theme.



Top Contributor
Thanx Tim...

Confirmed the research I had been doing. Also thank you for putting it into perspective of contracting. Learning enough to make sales then outsource is my aim.

Possibly even get into hosting / providing SEO / backing up clients site as I have read you do, but that wouldn't take place for min 1 year.

The other I had been looking at was Thesis, but with the reviews I have read about 2.0 think Genesis is a much safer bet and has a long term future.

And yes do have enough of an understanding of how Genesis works to know not to alter the genesis file. Gonna need to learn some html + css, but have created a website before so have a little experience.

Kind Regards,


Top Contributor
choice of theme: just make sure its responsive.

learn css: use firefox and add in firebug (free ) to discover the different attributes.



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Why not Chrome? There is a add on -> Chrome Web Store - Firebug Lite for Google Chrome™

Would prefer sticking with Chrome if possible. Guess I am spoiled, but I like it much better Firefox. Personally I think firefox is dead.


Top Contributor
Why not Chrome? There is a add on -> Chrome Web Store - Firebug Lite for Google Chrome™

Would prefer sticking with Chrome if possible. Guess I am spoiled, but I like it much better Firefox. Personally I think firefox is dead.

take your pick, just use what you are familiar with as there are too many things to learn.



Top Contributor
you know how you have to be SLAPED on the head a million times before you get it ! well johno69 has been pushing me to venture out and i am now sooooo into woothemes and woocommerce , so i will be a "split pin from now on"

apparently woocommerce works with studiopress but i have yet to try that so i will soon on a new project.

thanks johno69 " my name is not john" :)


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