I don't like it either!I don't like the design, sorry.
I don't like the design, sorry.
I don't like it either!
All the links to the Netfleet Auctions Ending Soon on the home page are broken.
The slash is going the wrong way: https://netfleet.com.au\flv.com.au/
Rather than: https://netfleet.com.au/flv.com.au/
I don't think this has anything to do with the recent layout change, or it might, but it has been going on for the last 5 days or so, but whenever I log in I get this error "Invalid Redirect URL (http://www.dntrade.com.au/)" but it seems to log me in OK when I just click away from that error page, but when I leave the site it automatically logs me out... which is annoying. So when I come back I need to log in again and get the same error...