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DotBuyer.com - New Domain Marketplace

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
I'm very excited to announce our new aftermarket - DotBuyer.com.

  • Free buyer accounts.
  • No fees to list domains for sale.
  • Very low sales commission of 5%.
  • Security Scanned (PCI Compliant).
  • 3rd Party Privacy Verification with very strong policies.
  • More search engine statistics and metrics than any other marketplace.

One of the advantages of DotBuyer is that it's a closed marketplace. Seller accounts are by application only. We did this to preserve the integrity of the marketplace. We don't want tyre kickers and low-ball bids - its a serious, retail market for motivated sellers.

DNT members can apply for seller accounts. When you sign up, just mention DNT and your ID - so we can verify you are, who you say you are :).

You'll notice a big emphasis on high quality, affordable .au domains across multiple niche markets. Many names have never been listed for sale before, so feel free to jump right in and sign up here.

If you have any questions or kind comments :) feel free to post in this thread or send me a PM.

-- Press Release --

New Domain Name Marketplace Opens Up Opportunities For Internet Business

Melbourne, Australia (PRWEB) November 27, 2012

Kikabink International Pty Ltd (Kikabink) has launched DotBuyer, a marketplace for businesses to buy and sell Internet domain names and websites.

DotBuyer features a large inventory of domain names and websites for sale across popular niche markets. It also enables businesses to view comprehensive search engine metrics and pricing on more than 154,000 historical domain name sales.

"Domain names and websites are assets - just like real estate." said DotBuyer co-founder Simon Johnson, "so it's about time that businesses had the tools to buy, value and sell this virtual real estate."

"DotBuyer has many domains in multiple vertical markets, from trades and place names to premium generic keywords that describe entire industries. There is something for everyone - from small businesses, to advertising agencies, right up to multinational corporations searching for their next big brand. This is the place to start your domain name search." said Johnson.

"Until now, it's been hard for businesses to find a good domain name. Many people incorrectly assume that all the good domain names are already taken and they settle for something less. In fact, domain names can be bought and sold, just like property." said Johnson.

DotBuyer also helps to educate businesses by providing price guidance. "We have levelled the playing field by enabling businesses to find out what domain names have previously sold for. This helps to educate buyers so they don't pay too much for a domain name. The historical sales figures are powered by Domain Sales App - one of the largest databases of historical domain and website sales, dating back more than 10 years with more than 154,000 domain name sales.

Businesses or individuals looking to buy a domain name, can get instant access to many of the powerful features of DotBuyer by signing up for a free account.

About Dotbuyer

Dotbuyer is a trusted marketplace for domain names and websites - helping businesses find, evaluate and buy domain names quickly and easily. It's free to sign up and there are no fees for buyers.

About Kikabink International Pty Ltd

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Kikabink International Pty Ltd is a privately held company that provides products and services in the fields of competitive intelligence and domain name monetization. The company also invests in, develops and manages domain names and websites in a range of markets. Kikabink is best known for Domainer Income, a domain name investment platform and Domain Sales, a free iPhone application.


Top Contributor
Looks great, well done, Simon. I know you have heaps of data on domains in general so it's a great platform to put them to use

You mention it's a retail market... Do you mean end-users will be the main target for buyers? If so, how are you getting them there (the million dollar question I guess!)

Signing up now thanks...

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
My only concern is this site has received a heap of publicity but when overseas visitors go there they may not understand the .com.au rules and there may be a few errors/upset buyers? ...........just an observation, it is obvious Simon has a lot of friends in the domaining community to get such great coverage for a new site!


Top Contributor
Looks very nice Simon, great work!

I've just signed up to give it a test drive :)


Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
Looks great, well done, Simon. I know you have heaps of data on domains in general so it's a great platform to put them to use

Thanks David. Yes, we do have a lot of data and will be putting it to work for the broader community.

You mention it's a retail market... Do you mean end-users will be the main target for buyers? If so, how are you getting them there (the million dollar question I guess!)

We have a strategy in place to target end users and grow the market.

Looks pretty good. How are you marketing the site to the retail market?

We have had many discussions with corporates in various sectors including banking and finance, super, insurance, airlines, travel and many others. I'm sure you get the picture!

My only concern is this site has received a heap of publicity but when overseas visitors go there they may not understand the .com.au rules and there may be a few errors/upset buyers?

This hasn't happened to us (touch wood). I'd note that this is the case with any aftermarket or drop service. We can only try to educate the market and inform them about .com.au rules. Right now, the FAQ section talks about auDA policy and links to the auDA website. It also includes specific reference and download links to the following: 1. Domain Name Eligibility. 2. Domain Monetisation. 3. Prohibition on Misspellings Policy. 4. Transfers (Change of Registrant). I believe we have taken a fair and reasonable approach and have put the policies up front where people can read them. If you think we are missing something, or we can improve in a particular area, please let me know.

it is obvious Simon has a lot of friends in the domaining community to get such great coverage for a new site!

While that's true, people within the industry want DotBuyer to work. I've received many phone calls from very experienced people with some great suggestions and tips. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing - to help grow the market.

Nice one Simon; all the best. :)

Thanks Blue Wren. Hope to see you on there.

Looks very nice Simon, great work! I've just signed up to give it a test drive :)

Thanks Chris.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Nice work Simon. Some people could say we would be competitors, but we are just happy to see more avenues for people to sell their domains. Site looks great - well done!


Regular Member
Hi Simon,

I was going to sign up but you lost me at step 2 Send a scanned, high resolution color copy of the following documents..... Really??? I'm going to pass on this great opportunity so feel free to delete my application before the 24h expiry

Good luck anyway


Top Contributor
Hi Simon,

I was going to sign up but you lost me at step 2 Send a scanned, high resolution color copy of the following documents..... Really??? I'm going to pass on this great opportunity so feel free to delete my application before the 24h expiry

Good luck anyway


Unfortunately, there is no evidence that the site is PCI-Compliant

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