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Use of the word :Company


Top Contributor
Hi, I was wondering what the legalities were about using the word 'company' with both a 2ld and tld ? example.....: RedBrickCompany.com(.au)

Would it have to be a registered ptyltd or ltd to register and hold the domain?

Also, assuming there was a 'redbrick.com(.au)' registered, would there be issues with the above example (assuming free of TM issues)?

Thanks Jay
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Top Contributor
Hi, I was wondering what the legalities were about using the word 'company' with both a 2ld and tld ? example.....: RedBrickCompany.com(.au)

Would it have to be a registered ptyltd or ltd to register and hold the domain?

Also, assuming there was a 'redbrick.com(.au)' registered, would there be issues with the above example (assuming free of TM issues)?

Thanks Jay

You can legally trade using the term company even if you are a sole trader or other type of entity. Sometimes the word refers to a trading name/brand like the Daily Juice Company, Australian Ballet Company, for example. I don't know the AUDA has any rule about it, if they do you could register a business name "Red Brick Company".


Top Contributor
No problems with registering such a name from auDA's POV.

wrt to risk if someone is using the non-company domain, yes there would be one I guess.

Whether it's TM'd or not is not relevant but if they can show it's in use, known as a brand then their lawyers may be able to successfully claim you were profitting from their name.

Depends on the name, the facts around the name, how determined the lawyers are, how good your lawyers are, the panelist on the day etc. etc.

Every domain has a risk at the end of the day...


Top Contributor
Thanks for the prompt replies everyone....would I be correct in assuming that the word corporation would be in the same category, or is that diferent again?


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