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Cloning Word Press Sites.


Top Contributor
Excuse the basic question.....but if i dont ask i wont know:)

It seems that most people build a WP site and then copy or clone it for the next site, just changing the content and graphics.

So how do you copy it? Do you install a backup plugin and do it that way or do you backup via cpanel? Im assuming you then just restore to the new domain and it installs on there, including plugins and everything?

But what happens with the database.....dont you need a new one? How do you make a new one?

Perhaps the anser is too involved to reply in here? Can anyone direct me to a trusted link?



Top Contributor
i use backupbuddy by ithemes, it does the whole thing.

only thing you have to do is go into cpanel and setup a blank database.

always best to start with a blank domain NO FILES

ftp the backupbuddy backup from your current site and the importbuddy.php file and BAM, you have a new site.

then go into wp admin, change the title tags, setup a unique admin user.

thats your start point and takes @ 20 minutes, from there its a much longer conversation ..... setting up individual analytics, images, words, SEO , email.

some will say "just park it" but thats not my way.

alternately you can not buy backupbuddy and ftp download all the current website files, install WP via fantastico, then backup the current website mysql, then open up the current website mysql and change the database path which is found in the first couple of lines of code and "save as" , then delete all the files from the new cpanel Myadmin and install the new database. then.............etcccccccc.

geez ! just buy backupbuddy !

i think other members have different systems so wait for their replies as this is in a past thread.



Top Contributor
Thanks Tim and John.

I actually just found an old zipped file (in my important files folder) LOL called "Flipmeclone" which looking at the readme files, it appears to be a very easy to use cloning programme. I cant believe i forgot i bought this....about 18 months ago.

This will probably solve the issue but if not, i will certainly holler.



Top Contributor
Flipmeclone : funny how it say you can do that in 30 seconds

Use FlipMe Clone to setup a perfectly optimized site in under 30 Seconds!

but the video takes 2 minutes 56 sec and during the video she says " i've already uploaded the files AND she had to download them first to then upload them to the new site so 30 secs is a bit of a stretch.

for $67 thats what you get, and i'm not trying to sell backupbuddy but for more bucks you also get the ongoing backup system.

i'd be interested to find out snooks how long it takes you to take a domain name from hand reg, delegation, upload of files and new site that you can see online ? disregard the time for the delegation to take hold as thats not software issue.

i doubt its 30 seconds

i'd do 5 in a row and just give us the time taken for the 5th as by then you should be pretty snappy at it.

i'm at @ 15-20mins from hand reg to online

tim :D


Archived Member
Are you talking about deploying a new wordpress installation or just backing up? I just pay the $5 a month and let linode screenshot my server instead. I'll manually backup the home directory and databases once a month.

It might be quicker to clone for new installs but I prefer to do it manually. I think it's stupid to give some 3rd party wordpress plugin the ability to download your databases. It's too easy for a developer to go rogue or for someone to exploit the plugin.


Top Contributor
It's too easy for a developer to go rogue or for someone to exploit the plugin.QUOTE]

can you expand on these statements please as i am interested " deve go rogue" ?

i need clarification before commenting

and " someone exploit a plugin"

exploit: isn't that whats happening to ever plugin every day ?

there are a lot of plugins that stop the plugins being hacked.



Archived Member
By rogue I mean one day the developer from a 3rd world country decides the sales from the plugin really doesn't cut it anymore and he decides to push an update that now sends him a copy of what you backup. A good example of this is an adsense wordpress plugin that rotates his own code on your site.


Top Contributor
I havent had time to try Flippaclone yet, but as soon as i do i will report here.

Bear in mind that given my skill levels are low, speed is not the major factor im after. I need ease of use and reliability. If this script can indeed have me backing up and cloning a site then believe me, it deserves 5 stars :)


Top Contributor
Excuse the basic question.....but if i dont ask i wont know:)

It seems that most people build a WP site and then copy or clone it for the next site, just changing the content and graphics.

So how do you copy it? Do you install a backup plugin and do it that way or do you backup via cpanel? Im assuming you then just restore to the new domain and it installs on there, including plugins and everything?

But what happens with the database.....dont you need a new one? How do you make a new one?

Perhaps the anser is too involved to reply in here? Can anyone direct me to a trusted link?

If you are going to change the content and graphics, then itappears to me that all you want to do is avoid the time taken to instal Wordpress and plugins.
The basic Wordpress now comes with Muliti Use, so you only need one instal for multiple sites/ Domain names
And anyway, your host should provide you with something like instaltron or fantastico making instal without MU just a few clicks

Hopefully Chris , the Wordpress fanatic, who also owns Dntrade will post here.


Top Contributor
By rogue I mean one day the developer from a 3rd world country decides the sales from the plugin really doesn't cut it anymore and he decides to push an update that now sends him a copy of what you backup. A good example of this is an adsense wordpress plugin that rotates his own code on your site.

ahh, yep, thats a worry, hopefully there are sooooo many people using the one i use that they wouldn't dare do that .



Top Contributor
You also gotta remember if they live overseas, and there IS a problem, it's going to be very hard to chase them. Our legislation simply doesn't apply.


Top Contributor
I'm with Jonathan, I do it manually.

That said, the cloning functions look pretty handy and all of them seem to do the same thing. Here are some links to the popular tools:



Backup Buddy (vid demo)

For me the biggest benefit in using these sort of tools is updating and backups before making any major changes.



Top Contributor
Snooks if you want to do it manually you can email me and i'll send you some info.

I'll elaborate.

1. Copy/download files from current site
2. Export DB
3. Create new DB
4. Import DB
5. Create DB User (and assign to DB)
6. Edit DB options URLs
6. Edit config file.
7. Upload files to new site.
8. Enjoy.

About 10 mins work, all done manually.

Then I generally run something like Velvet Blues plugin.


Top Contributor
Well i dont really want to clone the site and content, graphics etc. What im thinking is more cloning so i have all the plugins, all settings setup the same on each site.

I will have to check out the MU option.

@johno69, thanks.....will talk to you more about this on Saturday.

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