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Update on "logged in only" areas


Top Contributor
It's been a couple of months since the changes below were made:

Last of all, the Legal, Marketplace and Appraisals forum areas are now only accessible to logged in users. This means the content is private, and not indexed by Google, or seen by "lurkers". This configuration has been requested by many members and has now been done.

I just thought I'd open the discussion and see if people felt this was a positive change or not.

Please let me know your thoughts...



Top Contributor
Very very positive. I really dont want end users searching the domain and having my appraisal/sales thread coming up


Top Contributor
I personally don't like it, and am reading less threads. Whilst it might force more registrations, I feel it stifles conversation somewhat.

Having said that, there is definitely a place for some areas on DNT to be accessed only by logged in clients.


Top Contributor
I personally don't like it, and am reading less threads. Whilst it might force more registrations, I feel it stifles conversation somewhat.

Having said that, there is definitely a place for some areas on DNT to be accessed only by logged in clients.

I don't think it's necessary either. I don't think it will force more registrations, if anything it will result in less registrations due to less content being seen by google. However, the website owner can do what he likes!


Top Contributor
The Market/Appraisal sub-forums aren't something you really want anyway unless you're logged in. If you want to appraise, you need to log in. If you want to bid/send PM for a domain, you need to log in.


Top Contributor
I don't support the idea of content only for logged in users. I think it prevents growth when a potential member is excited about learning more.

Think back to when you first arrived at the site and how much you lurked before deciding to join. If the first thread to grab your attention was a "Market or Appraisal thread" and you where just curious to know what xyz.com.au was worth... you just get stumped with a scary "You are not logged in message"... there is not even a link to join!, you literally have to go back to the front page to find a join link. then you get hit up with all the very scary rules... Then you get to register... again a heap of questions... Then I think it is all about email links etc etc... by now I'd have to be pretty desperate to know what xyz.com.au is worth or I'd have just moved on.

If we keep this then I think it should be clearly labeled as such. I was surprised last Saturday when I used a friends laptop to try to look at the discussion around credit.com.au and could not read some threads...


Top Contributor
The main reason I changed from a lurker to signing up was because someone had some domains listed for sale that you had to sign in to see.

I think it's a great idea, But I'm always logged in so I don't really notice it.

I don't support the idea of content only for logged in users. I think it prevents growth when a potential member is excited about learning more.

Think back to when you first arrived at the site and how much you lurked before deciding to join. If the first thread to grab your attention was a "Market or Appraisal thread" and you where just curious to know what xyz.com.au was worth... you just get stumped with a scary "You are not logged in message"... there is not even a link to join!, you literally have to go back to the front page to find a join link. then you get hit up with all the very scary rules... Then you get to register... again a heap of questions... Then I think it is all about email links etc etc... by now I'd have to be pretty desperate to know what xyz.com.au is worth or I'd have just moved on.

If we keep this then I think it should be clearly labeled as such. I was surprised last Saturday when I used a friends laptop to try to look at the discussion around credit.com.au and could not read some threads...


Top Contributor
I'm against it for marketplace and appraisals but fine with Legal.

I think for newbies, checking out domains this area is one of the first things they want to do and you might lose them if they can't see immediately (we all know how impatient people are).

Also a forum's strength is it's content - restricting hundreds of threeads from being indexed by Google will hurt the traffic for sure (have you noticed actually?)

So my vote is keep as open as possible but as Smee says, your call entirely!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I personally don't like it, and am reading less threads. Whilst it might force more registrations, I feel it stifles conversation somewhat.

Having said that, there is definitely a place for some areas on DNT to be accessed only by logged in clients.

I had to logon to agree ..........


Top Contributor
Very very positive. I really dont want end users searching the domain and having my appraisal/sales thread coming up
Are you worried about an end user searching inside dntrade and finding the thread or searching on Google/Bing?

If we want to keep Google out of it then lets configure the server with a robots.txt file telling them to leave the Marketplace etc alone.


Top Contributor
i've got an excel file full of website logins i have signed up for and never posted ! whats the big deal ?

you want the info then signup, then maybe a small % get inspired and actually contribute, its not like dnt ask for your credit card number !

i vote for the changes that have been made and my short stint as a mod had nothing to do with them, it all came from chris and other members.

get involved or go somewhere else, all dnt asks is you introduce yourself before posting.... how hard is that?



Top Contributor
i've got an excel file full of website logins i have signed up for and never posted ! whats the big deal ?

you want the info then signup, then maybe a small % get inspired and actually contribute, its not like dnt ask for your credit card number !

i vote for the changes that have been made and my short stint as a mod had nothing to do with them, it all came from chris and other members.

get involved or go somewhere else, all dnt asks is you introduce yourself before posting.... how hard is that?

I agree on the need to signup to post.

I very strongly disagree with the need for a human to signup to read!

Keep the bots out with an invisible technical solution, but don't disadvantage people who are showing a bit of interest in what we are talking about by forcing them to signup just to learn a bit about what we do.

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