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hosting clients sites


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WOW, that SUCKS, surely the auda would have something to say about that?

thats the kinda thing i'd expect from yellowpages but not telstra

so are you saying that the person gets a website from telstra but then has NO rights to the domain and most times wasn't informed that this was the case?

i think this subject needs a new thread of its own as its now off tangent, marketingweb you started this diversion so how about you create a new thread and post your example

maybe come back and post the new thread link in here for future users.


No i'm not saying they have no rights to the domain - the domain can still be pointed to hosting. But with great difficulty - if you've ever been in a Telstra (and possibly Melbourne IT) domain control panel you will know that
A) they don't let you specify nameservers, just a single IP address to point to and
B) You can't update anything yourself - only put in a request for them to make the change which they..
C) Put into a queue that never ends unless the account holder phones and specifically asks (confusing for non techy clients). Then
D) Even if actioned, the request to change stays as "pending change" which is super confusing. And
E) If the client cancels their email, the domain stays registered, but Telstra is super unhelpful since the client no longer has an account (and so on)

No idea exactly what Telstra say exactly when talking to people about registering the domain for emails, or if the word "domain" or "register" are used at all... I may have some particularly confused clients i'm not sure.


Top Contributor
ok, you need to do 1 of 2 things !

give it up ,move on and never deal with customers like this again as you can see the early warning signs


patiently choose 1 of your clients and go through the process and detail EVERYTHING step by step until you get the end result.... then post it so we all don't have to do it... LOL, no seriously thats what forums are all about.... posting so others gain. and then you get back...

this whole process seems like a MESS to me, i want to find out more so PM me and we can work through it next week, we do need a live example of the ssituation.

i personally think this is something worth looking into and it would be great for any other members to add if its happened to them.

bottomline i think its an EAASYYY fix, not for the client but for the dnt members dealing with this, i think its going to end up being " ahh, your email is john@johnplumber.com.au and you say you are with telstra........ go phone them now and ask for the [ auth code ] access details" then try to COR it to drop or netfleet and see what happens.



Top Contributor
warning: this is just my opinion, my lesson to myself which i should have paid attention to LAST time.

SO, i get this new client last week and wants a small website ..... 5 pages, all cool no worries, and i say "you must host with me" he says no i want to host with my ISP, so i go "ok" thinking no big deal, small website and move on.

WELL, i do the website on my servers and finish and then want to upload it to his ISP hosting but for the life on ME i couldn't work out how the F to do it, thier system is "parallel" and i work in "cpanel", well i phone the help line and after 27 mins on hold i jsut got cut off ! , so i phoned back, meanwhile i am in his admin panel and noting is making sense to me, after another 27 minutes a message says " this section is only avaialable m-f 9-5 !! so i ahve to wait to monday, then i phone back and am on hold for another 30mins and finally get a person, NOW, he was good and sorted it out but F ME this was a small job and i wasted sooooo much time on it that i rang the client on the other line whilst on hold and said "i'm sorry but you must host with me otherwise i will charge you for every minute i am on hold in the future with this ISP, this issue is free as i said i would do it but from now on its not"

he just said " tim just get it done i'll host with you "

the site was up in the next 3 minutes on my servers.

THE reason for this story is i have TOLD myself a million times " tim, do not do this, do not let the client rule the beast, be strong and say NO.... you host with me or no go, OR i charge you a LARGE fee to go through this bullshit for you. a GREAT example is when someone goes and registers a domain name from some bullshit foreign cheap registra, they get it for $20 but i spend $80 of my time just trying to get the thing redelegated !!!

i think i'm detailing what alot of you are already thinking but i just had to say it, i just got suckkered in for the LAST time, the END, no, nadda, nomore, zip, gone, f-off, not-doing-it, fees-apply, its-gonna-cost-ya, etc

i can't remember the hosting company ? something like eye eye net ? not sure !


Not just your opinion. iinet hosting sucks.

A limited system for their control panel that is completely devoid of being intuitive and a seperate system they call a toolbox for email management.

Emails to their web hosting staff simply go unanswered.

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