Ashman, I did a bit of digging on Domain Name Group Pty Ltd, and came up with the following bits of useless information:
- Looks like the Director behind the company is a Perth boy like you. RYAN OEHLERS of High Wycombe.
- Registered office in South Perth care of some accountants.
- Principal Place Of Business address: Level 1, 530 Little Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC (This happens to be a Virtual Office address).
- If anyone feels like transferring their names to Domain Name Group Pty Ltd, you can do so here:
- This only costs $245 per name for the privilege. However this presumes they are a registrar (they are not) - or they are acting as a reseller.
- According to their terms and conditions, they are a reseller for Distribute IT:
- Distribute IT is defunct - it was taken over by NetRegistry almost a year ago. Domain Name Group obviously haven't updated their terms.
I'm not alleging that Domain Name Group Pty Ltd is doing anything illegal - but there are enough complaints on various other forums (and auDA's blog) to suggest that people be wary (and aware).