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Domain Name Available Letter


Top Contributor
Today I received a letter in the mail box (not email) offering to sell me a domain name (.net.au) for $245 inc GST & web forwarding & email forwarding. The domain was my business name for which I already own the .com.au. Interesting way to make a $$.


Top Contributor
Today I received a letter in the mail box (not email) offering to sell me a domain name (.net.au) for $245 inc GST & web forwarding & email forwarding. The domain was my business name for which I already own the .com.au. Interesting way to make a $$.

Careful of the renewal costs with these letters Last time I got one the renewal was $75 per year.


Top Contributor
Today I received a letter in the mail box (not email) offering to sell me a domain name (.net.au) for $245 inc GST & web forwarding & email forwarding. The domain was my business name for which I already own the .com.au. Interesting way to make a $$.

Forgot to mention the domain name was unregistered.


Top Contributor
Sounds like a border line scam.

Can you name the company who sent the letter for us?

yes, i think if you STOP and read the letter you will find they do nothing legally wrong but are VERYYYY clever at the wording.

there is a few going around but i have had MANYYY clients recently phoning me asking advice on the matter.

i even had one client ring me and say " hey TIM ! if i owe you money just tell me.... don't send me a letter like this.... ! "

he thought it came from me ! and was reallllyyyy pissed off, thats how convincing it was "for him"



Top Contributor
i even had one client ring me and say " hey TIM ! if i owe you money just tell me.... don't send me a letter like this.... ! "

Yes, these people thrive on confusion and deception which stains the domain industry as a whole. That is why I think they should be named and shamed.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Ashman, I did a bit of digging on Domain Name Group Pty Ltd, and came up with the following bits of useless information:

  • Looks like the Director behind the company is a Perth boy like you. RYAN OEHLERS of High Wycombe.

  • Registered office in South Perth care of some accountants.

  • Principal Place Of Business address: Level 1, 530 Little Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC (This happens to be a Virtual Office address).

  • If anyone feels like transferring their names to Domain Name Group Pty Ltd, you can do so here: http://account.domainnamegroup.com.au/domainchecker.php?search=bulktransfer

  • This only costs $245 per name for the privilege. ;) However this presumes they are a registrar (they are not) - or they are acting as a reseller.

  • According to their terms and conditions, they are a reseller for Distribute IT:

    Registrar or Registrar of Record means Distribute IT Pty Ltd ACN 101 292 237 the registrar we use for .au domain names.

  • Distribute IT is defunct - it was taken over by NetRegistry almost a year ago. Domain Name Group obviously haven't updated their terms. ;)

I'm not alleging that Domain Name Group Pty Ltd is doing anything illegal - but there are enough complaints on various other forums (and auDA's blog) to suggest that people be wary (and aware).

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Ashman, I did a bit of digging on Domain Name Group Pty Ltd, and came up with the following bits of useless information:

  • Looks like the Director behind the company is a Perth boy like you. RYAN OEHLERS of High Wycombe.

  • Registered office in South Perth care of some accountants.

  • Principal Place Of Business address: Level 1, 530 Little Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC (This happens to be a Virtual Office address).

  • If anyone feels like transferring their names to Domain Name Group Pty Ltd, you can do so here: http://account.domainnamegroup.com.au/domainchecker.php?search=bulktransfer

  • This only costs $245 per name for the privilege. ;) However this presumes they are a registrar (they are not) - or they are acting as a reseller.

  • According to their terms and conditions, they are a reseller for Distribute IT:

  • Distribute IT is defunct - it was taken over by NetRegistry almost a year ago. Domain Name Group obviously haven't updated their terms. ;)

I'm not alleging that Domain Name Group Pty Ltd is doing anything illegal - but there are enough complaints on various other forums (and auDA's blog) to suggest that people be wary (and aware).

Thanks for this post. :)


Top Contributor
just got ANOTHER phone call from a client that received a letter, this is really wasting my time

someone give me a gun !


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